• Ninety - Nine •

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- Lisa

"Why are we even following her?"
             I asked, frowning and annoyed at what we are doing.

As Chaeyoung have left after saying that Kai is sick, we all grabbed our jackets and followed her.

"Look, there's Jimin..."
            Jisoo eonnie pointed Jinin who's wearing a coat and looks like he just came back from their tour.

"I thought they are going to be back tomorrow?"
            I asked.

"Early flight, that happens sometimes. Or probably, he just want to surprise Channg now who is going to Kai who's is sick."
           Jisoo eonnie answered.

"And seems like, Jimin's following her."
            Jennie eonnie concluded.

And we all followed the other two.
Chaeyiung who's going to sick Kai and Jimin who's followimg Chaeyoung.

We're like playing.
Hide and follow.
New game for everyone, I suggest.

Few moments, we stopped as we saw Chaeyoung entering the pharmacy, and we have to hide to these large trees, Jimin might caught us.

Few minutes, maybe three or five minutes.

Chaeyoung went out...
And we began to walk again as Jimin followed her again.

"We're like spy, you know."
           Jisoo eonnie commented chuckling silently.

"And this is tiring, you know?"
           Jennie eonnie sarcastically answered that made Jisoo eonnie frown and laugh silently.

Several.minutes like ten minutes have flew away...
And we reached the side of the lake.

"Why is she here? Is Kai living on the lake?"
           Jisoo eonnie asked.

And guess who answered...

"Yeah, Jisoo eonnie, try to live on the lake. Let see if you'll catch oxygen after minutes."
          Jennie eonnie who is the savage queen.

"Look, she's going to the path that no one is entering."
           I pointed and caught their attention as they are both glaring at each other.

"And Jimin'a gonna follow."
          Jennie eonnie concluded.

And just after Chaeng entered, Jimin did follow.

As well as us.

We entered the tree house which is fascinating, cause it's a real house just above this tree.

The door wasn't locked by Jimim so we have entered.
Silently, we walked through places and for a minute, we found Jimin hiding behind a door.

"Through that door, Chaey and Kai must be there."
          Jisoo eonnie concluded which me and Jennie eonnie agreed together.

While trying to find out what's happening...
While sitting on these carpeted hallway, behind the wall, hiding from Jimin's sight...

Seductive Innocence (Jimin x Rosé) (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now