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Friday 8th of December
6:20 am

it was snowing outside. i was sat on my window seat writing in my diary while listening to Post Malone.

i watched as snow flakes hit my window, instantly condensing to water droplets and began running down my window.

December was my favourite time of the year. it meant cold, winter days of wearing cozy jumpers, hoodies, getting wrapped up warm to go outside and nights spent snuggled up on the couch in front of a fire whilst either reading a book or watching christmas movies.

i lived pretty much alone.. most of the time. my mam died when i was just a baby and my dad works over seas a lot so he's never usually home.

i kind of like it, being alone. i feel independent and i like having my own space.

a loud ringing erupted into the comforting silence of my room and i averted my gaze to my phone which lay upon my book shelf over beside my bed. i placed my diary and pen down beside me before getting to my feet and tip toeing over to my phone.

i groaned as i picked it up. it was my alarm signalling 6:30am which meant it was time to get ready for college.

i sighed, placed my phone back in its previous position and headed over to my wardrobe situated on the opposite side of my room.

i let my fingers linger on each piece of clothing as i looked for an outfit for the day. i finally decided on a white hoodie, black jeans and a simple white t-shirt to go underneath.

i placed each item on my bed and headed to the bathroom. i undressed from my crop top and sweat pants that i wear for bed and my underwear, throwing them into the washing basket beside the sink before stepping into the shower.

warm water cascaded down my body and i smiled into the feeling. i quickly got washed and stepped out, wrapping myself in a towel, wincing as a rough patch grazed over my arm.

ill not say to much about that..

i shrugged it off and stepped out of the bathroom and dried myself off, being more careful than before.

once i was fully dry i began getting dressed. i looked in the mirror quickly and sighed. i guess nobody's perfect right?

i pulled on a pair of fluffy socks onto my feet and hobbled over to my dressing table where i applied some concealer, eye shadow and curled my eyelashes just to keep it simple. i then dried my hair off and straightened it too.

im not one who particularly likes getting dressed up if you know what i mean? i keep my appearance simple and my inner thoughts alive and imaginative.

once satisfied, i got to my feet, grabbed my phone before shoving it in my pocket and slipped on my winter boots as well as slinging my bag over my shoulder and heading down stairs.

i don't really feel like having breakfast.. i'm never hungry to be honest with you, and that's weird considering i barely eat.

again, i'll not go too much into that.

i sighed and took out my headphones, plugging them into my phone and hitting play on my favourite playlist which consisted of songs by Post Malone, French Montana, Black bear and Roadtrip (my fave band of all time)

i smiled lightly as soon as i heard the lyrics of "don't hurt yourself" erupted from my headphones. i love this song so much, mostly because i relate to it and is a beautiful and emotional song.

i stepped outside, locking the door to my apartment, and headed down the stairs to the car park.

i walked over to my car, getting in and began driving off towards college whilst listening to my favourite song by my favourite band, singing every lyric as it went on.

god i love them..

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