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Rye's PoV

"now, are you okay?" she asks, laying back on her bed and i sigh.

"right now? i guess i'm happy. but i know deep down somethings not right" i shrug, "I just can't seem to get rid of negative thoughts".



"this girl.. what exactly did you both talk about? what did she say to you? even before it all came apparent to you that it was, going bad?" she asks and i sit in silence for a moment. i'd never talked about that, or thought about old conversations.


"Reasons.. you mentioned she changed you and that you started to push the boys away from you and didn't know how or why, it may have to do with the things she said to you before it went.. bad?" she explains and i nod.

"Should i read out some old conversations maybe..?" i say unsure.

"If you want to, it will probably help" she says and i nod. i go off the facetime app, but don't end the call, and open my imessage.

"so.. first an old 'friend' tried to set us up.. thats how she got my number" i tell her.

"oh god"

"yeah i don't think it was one of my close friends" i sigh, "okay so.. what the-"

i scroll through some old messages. I don't remember any of them sounding that harsh.

"What is it?" faith says.

"she literally subtly fed me shitty comments and controlled most things i wanted to do, but somehow without me noticing? like here, when i was going to go into Winsor with the boys she replied with :You're leaving me for them? :( Rye, remember they won't understand the problems you're going through.. what if something happens?:   ...the thing is, i actually didn't end up going to Winsor that day.. i yelled at the boys for the first time cause of that.. And thats only 2 weeks of talking to her" i tell her.

"Rye, is there any more..?"

"A lot.. here, It was coming up to Brooks birthday, we went to Nandos.. i didn't talk to them the whole time apart from to sing Happy Birthday.. all because she said :You deserve better than this Rye.. Brook hasn't helped you through any of this, neither have the boys, why be nice just because its his birthday?:   ...What the hell was wrong with me, and with her" i say, realising how much of an idiot i've been.. I pushed Brooklyn away the most, yet he's stuck buy me the most..?

"i- it's not your fault.. " she says and i continue to scroll through some and stop at ones from not too long ago, a couple of weeks before everything went wrong.

"She literally told me what i could and couldn't do, from what to wear to what to do in the day. She told me no one but her would be able to help me or that i could trust anyone but her. Obviously it wasn't said that, well, obvious, but now looking back at them.."

"Rye, you had your life controlled.. for 2 months.. she quite literally isolated you from reality to the point everything she told you, you believed to be true.. its not your fault.." Faith says and i close imessage and go back onto facetime.

"What did she want from you, did she mention anything?" she asks and i think before nodding slowly.

"She wanted to meet up.. i agreed, but then something came up the day and i couldn't meet her.. she got angry with me and the next day she posted on snapchat things with a guy that were- well, you could tell they were dating or had some sort of thing going.." i say cringing at the memory.

"Im guessing it was.. sexua-"

"yep" i say, "i asked her why she didn't tell me and well.." i pause.

"Rye, you don't have to tell me now.." Faith says sadly

"lets just say it went down hill from there.. for me" i tell her and she nods.

"be honest.. am i an idiot?" i ask. Faith looks at me sadly and shakes her head.

"No Rye.. this happens a lot, in many different concepts. People find others who are going through a bad time and feed them, draw them into them till they feel as though the only person they can talk to is them. They take advantage of the fact that shit has happened to someone and convince them that they are now their only friend.. Its usually done just so they can gain something out of it." Faith says and i take it all in.

"thank you Faith.." i tell her and smile. She smiles back.

"and thank you, Rye" she says.

"Its 11:10pm.. wow" i laugh.

"11:11 now" she says with a smile.

"well.. you're my 11:11 Faith"

"And you, have always been mine"

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now