t h i r t y s i x

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(warning! there might be uh- a bit of bad language? but you may love what happens! sorry if you don't like swearing❤️😂)

Brooklyn's PoV


"i love you boys!" one of the fans says as she leaves.

"we love you too!" we all reply with smiles.

the meet and greet was nearly over, only a few fans were left. it was a group of girls and well that i'm not gonna lie.. felt sort of worried about meeting. a lot of the fans seemed to have been giving them weird glances and stares all night and i had a feeling i recognised one of them.

"oh my god harvey I. LOVE. YOU." this one rather tall, dark haired girl says, hugging him tightly. i just stood and waited for her and her friends to come to us. she was definitely flirting with harvey.. however he seemed very awkward but continued to talk to her. once she was finished getting her photo, she waited for the rest of her friends to see him and then moved on to us.

"hey girls!" Mikey says. we all gave them smile, staying friendly.

"hi!" they reply and get in position for the phot with us. the dark haired girl who flirted with harv stood with me. help-

"so what's you're name love?" i ask with a smile after the photo was taken. i mean, i have to be friendly right?

"i'm amara, nice to meet you" she says and my heart drops. the boys must hear cause they all turn to look at us.

"you-" Andy starts.

"you're the bitch who ruined Rye?!" i say, raising my voice. i was beyond pissed that i didn't even care about what i was saying, "i'm sorry but are you serious? what the hell is wrong with you. why on earth did you do that to him" i say the room had went quiet.

by now, the fans who were just waiting behind were staring at us, the boys were glaring at Amara, her friends stood in silence, the security had gathered and Blair stood rather worriedly behind me.

"Brooklyn calm down" Blair whispered from behind. i shook my head.

"No. you put him through shit you know that? honestly why? why would you do something like that to someone? it's fucking pathetic-"

"well someone's in a mood" she sort of smirks and i look at her in disgust. the boys too.

"i'm sorry but would you leave?" mikey says standing beside me, glaring at Amara.

"i agree, i think you should" jack adds, he looks beyond pissed, quite like us all.

"where's Rye? does he not miss me?" she says

"i think the fuck not" Andy says, causing me to almost burst out laughing.

"security! would you mind?" blair says pointing towards Amara. i smirk. she looks absolutely fuming.

"no i'll leave myself." she spits and storms out the room, quickly followed by her friends. one of them i recognised from the park the other day. the one who had followed Rye.

"boys?" blair says, looking at us all rather worriedly.

"i'm sorry blair" i mumble

"we're sorry you had to see that" Andy calls to the fans who all look at us rather worriedly. they give us an apologetic smile and we head over to see them.

a lot of them mention Rye, saying that they hope he's okay. a lot also agree that the girl was a bitch which causes us all to sort of laugh. all in all they seemed to be okay and supportive with what they just witnessed, which we were all grateful for.

"thank you all for waiting, we hope you enjoyed the show" harvey says and we agree. they all give excited responses before saying goodbye.

"come on boys, back to the bus" Blair says. we head outside, the security staying by our sides. some fans were waiting outside, we waved to them all and said our goodbyes, before getting back onto the bus.

"well.. what a night" Andy says, as we're all inside.

"i regret absolutely nothing" i state and they all laugh but agree.

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