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Faith's Pov

sunday 17th december


my eyes flutter open and i look up at the clock. wow i actually slept.. I smile when i hear soft snores from beside me.


His arm was still around my waist and our legs had somehow become tangled. i was still in his jumper too.. i untangle myself from him carefully, trying not to wake him. thankfully im successful.

i stand by my bed and look down at him. he looked so peaceful and just adorable. how did i get so lucky to have him brought into my life, ill never know.. he made me feel safe and just so darn happy. he was quite literally now my best friend. my real best friend. i smile and head out my room towards the kitchen, taking my phone with me. why not make some breakfast?

i take out bacon, eggs and sausages from the fridge, placing them on the counter before grabbing a pan, a tray and turning on the oven and grill.

i empty a few sausages on the tray, before putting it in the oven, and do the same with the bacon, but put them under the grill.

(A/N- yeah i cant cook so thats probably a load of bs, but i tried)

just as im about to start on the eggs my phone begins to buz. i pull it out and look at the screen.

"Unknown would like to facetime"

well, who could that be..? i pause, thinking whether to answer or not. in the end i do. a familiar face pops up on the screen, and then a few more in the back.

"MORNING" brooklyn yells, causing me to laugh. i just cant escape him can i?

"good morning" i say, "and how did you get my number?"

"Rye gave me it yesterday just incase" he tells me and i nod

"right then" i reply with a smile.

"hes with you right?" Mikey asks and i nod.

"hes still asleep" i tell them and they smile.

"so what hotel are yous at?" Andy asks, looking rather confused since im stood in my kitchen.

"we're um not in a hotel actually.. we're at my flat" i say.

"interesting" brooklyn grins and i roll my eyes.

"say one word- and ill block your number" i tell him, causing them all to laugh. i just smile and shake my head at them all.

"sorry but i recognise that jumper-"

"brooklyn i swear to god-"

"DONT BLOCK ME" he yells. the boys are just laughing in the background. Andy then sits forward.

"hes right though, anything you'd like to tell us?" Andy smirks and i glare at him.

"NO! no- stop, gosh nothing happened- jesus you both are as bad as each other" i laugh. Jack is practically on the floor dying, yet im not suprised.

"I- Cant- breathe-" jack says between laughs. i mentally face palm.

"Rye stalked your twitter and found a tweet about it being your fave, dont worry faith, im nothing like those idiots, i know my stuff" Mikey says and i laugh.

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