f o r t y s i x

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Rye's PoV


"BYE MIKEY BYE BROOKY" mia calls, waving to the phone.

"bye mia" Brooklyn and mikey smile, waving back and i end the call.

i turn to Mia, she was playing with her olaf toy, smiling to herself on my lap. she soon catches my eye and looks up at me.

"Brooky and Mikey are nice" she smiles.

"they can be evil sometimes" i laugh and she giggles.

"you're my favourite, but don't tell them that" she whispers causing me to smile.

"our little secret?" i ask and she holds up her pinky finger. cute.

"like you being faiths boyfriend soon?" she tells me and i lock my pinky around hers.

"ill need your help with that" i say and she smiles, "But first, what do you.. um- hear faith and hazel talk about?" i ask, feeling rather guilty about it..

"I just listen to see if theres any news about my daddy, but there never is" Mia huffs and i sigh.

"busy with work?" i ask and she nods.

"they just talk about grandad and how he was mean, and then something about eating and dep- uh- i cant remember that word," she pauses, i know she means depression, "and someone called Arran is mentioned sometimes" she finishes. Arran?

"what do they say about your grandad?" i ask.

"he used to hurt faith and sometimes my daddy" she says quietly, "i dont know why, but hazel seems to always want to check on how things are healing" she shrugs and i look at her sadly.

"eating and, is it depression?"

"YES THATS IT!" she smiles and then frowns, "faith is never hungry and she seems to never sleep because shes sad a lot, i don't like that. she has a lot of battle scars too, hazel doesn't seem to like that, i don't really understand those thingys, i have some from needles but she doesn't seem to mind about them. she tells faith off a lot for hers but is worried too" she shrugs.

at least she doesn't understand what they really are..

"and Aaran, i never met him. i think he's faith's friend, im not sure. Hazel doesn't like him though. i asked about him after you left, Hazel said she hopes that you will do something about him" She tells me. now im confused..

"oh, ill talk to Hazel about that then" i say and she smiles.

"why did you come?" she asks, giving me another hug, i hug her back.

"i need your help Mia" i tell her with a smile.

"with what?"

"you asked me if i was going to be faiths boyfriend soon.." i say, maybe it is too fast?

"YOURE GONNA ASK HER?" she asks excitedly.

"kind of.. i was hoping you could ask her, for me"

"what you mean?" she looks at me puzzled. i take out my phone.

"you know how you talked to brooklyn and mikey on here?" i ask and she nods, "well.. im going to leave my phone with you, when it starts to buzz, hit the green button and you'll be able to see me and faith at home, just like you saw brook and mikey" i tell her and she nods excitedly.

"i like that idea, and then i ask her if you can be her boyfriend when i see you both?" she asks and i nod, "what i say?"

"something like.. Faith, Rye was wondering, if maybe you'd like to be his girlfriend?" i tell her and she squeals.

"you can be my uncle Rye!" she says and i smile wide.

"maybe.." i say.

"No no, i want you to be" she hugs me tightly and i hug her back.

"if you want me to princess, then i will be" i tell her and she smiles before yawning.

"im sleepy" Mia mumbles, her head on my shoulder. i pick her up and tuck her into her bed.

"you get some rest, ill leave my phone here. when it buzzes, just remember to press the green button okay?" i tell her and she nods, smiling. i kiss her forehead and stand up.

"see you soon uncle Rye" she giggles and i smile.

"see you soon princess" i reply, heading out the door and shutting it behind me. Ashley is stood outside.

"what? wheres faith?" she asks, rather surprised.

"just me" i say and she looks at me confused.

"but only family can-"

"Hazel let me see her" i tell her and she nods, before going into Mia's room, im guessing to give Mia her medication.

i head down the corridor of the childrens ward, towards the exit, stopping at the front desk where Hazel is sat.

"Rye! everything okay?" she asks standing up.

"with Mia yes, but i was wondering if i could talk to you about something..?" i ask, she nods.

"follow me" she tells me, opening the door to what seemed to be some sort of break room. i follow her in and we take a seat on one of the sofas.

"what is it you'd like to talk to me about?" she smiles.

"Aaran?" i question and her face drops.

"Faith told you?!" she seems rather shocked.

"no.. Mia mentioned him. apparently i need to do something about him?" i ask confused.

"Aaran is faiths bestfriend, Amara's, boyfriend" she tells me and i feel anger rush through me.

first.. ex best friend now..

second.. Amara's boyfriend. the guy she was with on that photo and in the video..

"what did he do..?" i ask quietly.

"lets just say he isn't committed to one girl apparently" she grits and i can tell she doesn't like him either.

"hazel.. what did he do to faith?" i ask, she looks at me sadly.

"he was drunk one night at some sort of party. Amara and him both. Amara must have called faith to pick them up" she pauses, "Faith went.. took Amara home and then she was left to take Aaran home. he- um.."


"tried things on her she was not okay with.." she pauses, "sexual harassment" she blurts and my heart drops.

"and faith..?"

"kicked him out the bloody car thankfully" she finishes and i feel sort of- relieved? at that.

"you'll have to ask her about it, i don't know too much" she tells me, standing up, "is that all you'd like to talk to me about?"

i smile and nod, "thank you" i say and she smiles.

"You're good for her. that i know for sure" she tells me as i start heading toward the exit.

"shes good for me too" i call back, pushing open the doors.

Faith.. what the hell have you been through.

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now