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Rye's PoV
sunday 17th december

i was half asleep on the sofa, cuddling faith in my arms. her phone then rings and i groan.

"Ryeeee" she giggles, untangling herself from my grip. i sigh, she laughs and picks up the phone, she looks at the screen and her eyes become sad, but she answers the call.

"Hazel.. hey, what's up?" she says rather nervously. i cant tell what's being said on the other line.

"what? okay, i'll be there soon?!" faith says rather panicked, "which ward has she been moved to?"

oh.. Mia, her niece.. i get up and stand by her.

"okay.. i'll be there soon" she finishes and ends the call.

"everything okay..?" i ask.

"i'm not sure.. but i need to go to the hospital" she tells me and i nod, "Rye?"


"do you want to come with me..?" she asks me.

"if you want me to.. i will" i nod, she smiles.

"thank you, i'll go get ready now" she says heading to her room.

i head towards my bag and take out a hoodie and black jeans, changing quickly. i put the same shoes from yesterday on as well.

faith soon comes out in black jeans, a jumper and vans. i smile and she smiles back at me.

"alright.. let's go then" she says heading to the door, i follow her. she locks the door behind us and we head down the stairs and out into the street, my hand in hers as we walk towards the car. i find it hard to believe we've only been talking for a week.. i feel like i've known faith all my life.

when we get to her car, i climb into the passenger side and faith in the drivers side. she starts the car and begins driving. it's silent.. and i can tell she's worried.

i look towards her and she's biting her bottom lip, keeping her eyes on the road. i place my hand on her thigh, causing her to look at me.

"it'll be okay.." i say, rubbing circles on her leg, trying to comfort her. she nods and gives a small smile, "faith, can i ask you something?"

"yeah sure" she says.

"i um.. what's wrong with Mia..?" i ask quietly.

"well um.." she pauses, "she was born with leukaemia" faith says and my heart drops.

"how old is she..?" i ask

"almost 6" she replies, her eyes on the road.

i don't know what to say.. i know saying sorry isn't going to help..

"she's strong" i tell her.

"i know.." she says with a smile, "she'll love you" i smile back.

"i'm pretty sure i'm gonna love her too" i say as we pull into the hospital car park. once were parked, we get out the car.

"ready?" i ask her and she nods, her hand taking mine, which causes me to smile.

"i know hazel, one of mia's nurses, wants to meet you" she laughs and we head inside.

"she knows about me?" i ask.

"sort of-"

"FAITH DARLING HI" a woman calls from behind the front desk, i'm guessing that's Hazel.

"hey hazel-"

"who's your friend?" hazel asks, coming over to us, smiling.

"i'm Rye, nice to meet you" i say holding out my free hand. she shakes it.

"well it's lovely to meet you, im hazel" she says and i smile.

"how is she?" faith asks and hazel looks at her with a smile.

"back in the children's ward" hazel says.

"oh so good news?" faith smiles, looking a lot more relieved than before.

"i guess.. but she still has her own room" hazel says and faith nods, "Ashley has her on a new medication which seems to be helping"

"oh right" she replies, "can we see her..?"

"is Rye coming too?" hazel asks with a smile.

"if that's okay?" faith says

"of course! follow me" she says heading down the hall.

"you okay?" i ask faith quietly as we follow hazel down the corridor. i'm not going to lie, hospitals make me nervous, but don't they have that sort effect on everyone?

"i just wish this ashley, mia's new nurse, would tell me about the new medication and treatments they give her.. but as long as its helping you know?" she tells me.

"yeah i get what you mean" i say as we enter the children's ward, stopping by one room.

"i'll leave you both here then, tell me if anything seems off" hazel says before leaving.

"ready..?" faith asks me and i smile, nodding.

she smiles back and opens the door.

"FAAAITHHH" a voice calls as we walk in, making both faith and i smile.

"hey baby!" faith says as a small girl runs up to her, giving her a hug. faith picks her up, "id like you to meet someone" she says, holding her.

Mia looks to me, with a small yet, i think, nervous smile.

"hey Mia, i'm Rye" i say with a smile.

"hello Rye!" she giggles and reaches out to me.

she's too cute, i think i love Mia already

i take her from Faith and she hugs me. i hug her back and look over at faith who's smiling.

"are you her boyfriend" she whispers to me quietly and i laugh, shaking my head. mia pouts, "soon?" she asks and i shrug, she smiled wide.

"what is it?" faith asks.

"oh nothing" i say

"SECRET" mia squeals, jumping down, "Rye do you like frozen?" she asks me excitedly.

"i love olaf" i tell her. she runs behind the side of the bed and then comes back with an olaf teddy in her hand.

"i love him too!!" she giggles, me and faith just smile down at her.

she's so precious.

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now