t h i r t y s e v e n

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Faith's PoV
saturday 16th december

i pull into the estate which my flat is in. the traffic wasn't as bad as i thought it would have been. though the last 30 minutes seemed to drag since Rye fell asleep.

i pull into my parking space and stop the car, looking over at him. he lay there, his head against the window with his hair covering part of his face. i smiled. he looked so adorable.

i ended up eating about 6 nuggets and a few chips. Rye ate the rest of our mcdonald's. this was honestly the best car journey i'd ever had, mostly cause i spent the majority of the time talking and screaming lyrics to songs with Rye.

i smile, and get out the car, grabbing his bag from the back seat and head round to the passenger side, opening the door.

"Ryeeeee" i whisper, nudging his shoulder. his eyes flutter open and he looks around before yawning and stretching.

"how long was i out?" he mumbles, undoing his seatbelt.

"about half an hour, were here tho" i tell him. he nods and gets out, taking his bag from me. i can tell he's tired. i shut the car door and head towards the flat. it wasn't to far up the road. Rye walks at my side and i soon feel his hand take mine.

i look up at him and he smiles down at me. i feel my cheeks heat up but smile back.

i soon have to let go and take my keys out of my bag. i unlock the door and open it to reveal the stairway. Rye still takes my hand again as we walk up them to my flat. we were silent but it wasn't an awkward silence.. it was comfortable.

we get to the door of my flat and i unlock it, pushing open the door.

"well then, welcome to my home" i laugh stepping inside. he smiles and follows me.

"is it just you here?" he asks, looking around then back at me. i nod.

"soo.. what do you wanna do?" i ask, placing my bag on the seat in the living room. he shrugs.

"get changed and have a movie night?" he suggests and i smile.

"sounds good" i agree and he smiles back at me.

"ill just get changed in here?" he asks.

"yeah if u want, i'll just get changed in my room" i tell him.

Rye's PoV

"okay" i smile. she smiles back and turns, heading into her room. i take out my daffy duck sweatpants and a grey t-shirt. i change into them quickly, before packing away my clothes from today, stopping when i get to the jumper i was wearing today. my black one with the red and yellow sleeves.

"faith?" i ask, knocking on her door.

"yeah?" she says opening it. she was still wearing her jumper from today but was now in leggings with it. i hold out my jumper.

"i know you said you liked this one in a twitter reply once" i say, i may or may not have looked through some of her tweets through the days when she was busy at the hospital.

"you want me to wear it?" she asks and i nod. she smiles and takes it, "okay.." i smile and head back into her living room, she comes out not long after, in legging and my jumper with her hair tied up. it looked huge on her but i just found it adorable.

"i mean.. it's a bit big" she says and i laugh.

"you look better in it than me" i tell her as she sits down.

"i don't think that's true" she laughs and i sit beside her.

"well i say it is, and don't argue" i say and she laughs, holding her arms up in surrender.

"mean girls?" she says opening netflix on the tv.

"how did you know" i say, pulling her into my side.

"i- i just guessed" she mumbles, her head on my shoulder. did i make her nervous? she finds the film and hits play.

"Faith?" i say quietly.

"mm hmm?" she hums.

"thank you for letting me stay here" i tell her, my arm wrapping around her. she looks up at me with a nervous smile.

"it's okay" she tells me and rests her head on my chest. i smile and kiss her forehead.

she makes me happy.

(A/n- brooklyn be like: RAAAITHHHH)

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