f o r t y e i g h t

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Faith's PoV

sunday 17th december



"did you ever check twitter after the London show?" Mikey asks and i shake my head.

"the only times ive been on my phone is to facetime or text you and the boys" i tell him.

"you might want to.. tonight. with Rye" he says and i become worried.

"can i not now?" i ask and he shakes his head.

"with Rye.. promise?" he says and i nod.

"i promise" i say and i hear the front door open. im guessing mikey does too cause he gives a small smile and a wave. i smile back and he ends the call. i put my phone in my pocket and get off my bed just as Rye opens my bedroom door, coming in with an Asda bag. he places it on the desk and comes over to me.

"heyy" he smiles, pulling me into a tight hug. i instantly smile and hug him back.

"you were gone a while" i laugh and he pulls back, smiling.

"well.. i had plans" he grins and i sigh, "what? what is it?"

"Nothing.. just surprises worry me" i laugh nervously.

"you'll hopefully like this one.." he says taking my hand, heading towards my bedroom door, grabbing the asda bag on the way out.

"where are we going?" i ask, as he pulls me out the front door.

"not far" he smiles, locking my flat door.

i look at him confused which causes him to laugh.

"you're so adorable sometimes" he laughs, causing me to blush.

"shut up" i mumble and he just laughs again as we head down the stairs and out the front door of the flat. wait where did he park my car-

"Rye were are we going" i whine, were now walking through the fields and park outside my street.

"not far- okay stop" he says and he turns around to face me, "okay, jump on my back and close your eyes" he says and i laugh but do as he says. i jump on, my legs around his waist, arms around his neck and he holds me up, walking forwards. my eyes close and i rest my head on his shoulder. he soon comes to a stop.

"okay.. jumo down but don't open your eyes" he tells me. i jump down but keep my eyes closed and i feel his hands take mine. he begins leading me over a few more steps then stops again, before standing at my side, his hand still in mine.

"okay open" he whisper and so i do and i gasp.

there.. infront of us us my car, parked just buy the edge of the woodland area. only.. inside, the back seats had been pushed down and were now covered in blankets, pillows and fairy lights were hung inside, Rye's laptop resting on top of a little table set up inside.

"y-you did all this?" i ask, and he smiles nodding.

"i didn't think we'd want to be inside again for the night" he tells me and i smile.

"Rye, you're too cute" i say, kissing his cheek. he grins and pulls at my hand.

"brooklyn may have helped.. just a little. i was on facetime the entire time i was setting it up" he laughs, opening the car door. we both climb inside.

"well, i love it" i tell him as we both sit down inside. he lays back against the pillows and pulls me down beside him so im resting my head on his chest.

"im glad you do" he says with a smile, "now, a film?" he asks and i shake my head.

"first, mikey requested we check twitter for some reason?" i tell him and he looks at me confused, "i know, i was confused too" i say taking out my phone. i open twitter and am suddenly amazed at the notifications.. over 500..

"uhm-" i start.

"what have they done" Rye laughs, going into my feed and then frowning.


in reply to roadtriptv and AmaraCantwell97

i dont like her @ anymore.. no regrets like we all said :)


in reply to roadtriptv and AmaraCantwell97

that girl is a right bitch boys, im glad you's said something, i hope Rye's okay x


in reply to roadtriptv and AmaraCantwell97

brooklyn, you savage😂 and omg Andy 'i think the f*ck not' i cant 😂😂😂 SHE DESERVED THAT I HOPE RYE IS OKAY WHEREVER HE IS





theres so many more like that.. me and Rye look at eachother and click on the tweet everyone was replying to. Brooklyn had quoted a fans tweet who was at the london show.


sorry you had to see my outburst, Andy is too. i think we all are.. but she deserved it. long story, go show some 'love' to @/AmaraCantwell97 😉😘

- brooklyn

attached was a fans video of the boys with Amara and all her friends at the meet and greet.. and holy crap did they rage at her. as soon as me and Rye began watching, i think both of our jaws dropped. but we laughed at many parts too.

"i love how brooklyn mentioned her username" Rye says laughing.

"All the roadies quite literally attacked her oh my god" i laugh.

"we sure do have the best fans" he says and i nod agreeingly.

"hang on why do i have so many notifications" i say confused, clicking onto my notification bar. i scroll through to find out what started it.


attack me all you hoes want, i don't give a shit. but let me tell you one thing. you wanna know where Rye really is? well he isn't alone. isn't that right @/faithsummers98 ? how are you both? having fun?

my jaw dropped in shock.

oh no she didn't.

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