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Rye's PoV
Friday 15th december

"i'm honestly knackered" Andy says, collapsing in brooklyn's mattress.

"Foooovvvvsss get offf my bed i want to sleep" Brooklyn whines, running towards it like a little kid. Andy doesn't move and suddenly i hear soft snores coming from him. Brooklyn frowns and i laugh.

"i'm going to bed" Jack says lying down on his bed, brooklyn just looks at him.

"same" Mikey says with a smile, getting into his.

"STOP BRAGGING ABOUT IT" brook snaps and i look up at him.

"brook calm down" i say and he laughs.

"i'm joking i'm joking" he says, sending me a goofy ass smile, "i'll just sleep in And- NO HARVEY WHY"

both me and mikey begin laughing uncontrollably. Jack had already fallen asleep, but that's jack were taking about.

Harvey has left the studio earlier than us all and had apparently taxed Andys bunk. he was now fast asleep.

"i hate my life" brooklyn groans.

"take my bunk" i say climbing down. he looks at me surprised.

"really?" he asks and i nod.

"i don't really want to sleep right now anyways" i shrug.

"WELL IM NOT GONNA COMPLAIN" he says and climbs straight up the ladder, "GOODNIGHT" he yells and Jack groans.

"shut up" Jack mumbles into his pillow.

"SOR- sorry jack" brooklyn whispers in the end and the room goes silent.

"Rye?" Mikey asks and i look towards him. he moves over in his bed, making room for me to join him. and so i do.

"what's up?" i ask him.

"you've told us everything right?" he asks and i nod, "why do i still feel like you've left something out? you seem really nervous for some strange reason"

"i- um. i don't know.. i just get a strange feeling saturday isn't going to go well. i don't know if i even want to peform.. what if i mess up? what if some of the roadies are annoyed at me? what if something goes wrong? i'll fuck up in some way i know it" i say.

"Rye, wheres your confidence gone..? jesus.. this girls really messed with you.." he tells me sadly and i nod.

"i know.."

"piece of advice? Faith's going to be there. the whole time you're out there, look for her. think of her. she seems to keep you calm, happy and grounded in a way. she's helped you a lot, and i know you know she has. but she's also changed you in a way. You seem to think about things a lot more deeply and thoroughly, i guess it's a good thing. yeah you're still an idiot sometimes" he laughs and i do too, "but you seem to have become more mature, yet in a good way. and you seem to appreciate the little things a lot more than you used to, like every time i made you a cup of tea this week you've said thank you like over 3 times and then brought it up the next day" he laughs.

"thanks Mikey" i say and lie back next to him, "goodnight" i say closing my eyes.

"you love her don't you" he whispers quietly. i don't reply, i just pretend i'm asleep.

Faith's PoV
Friday 15th december

the hospital called this morning. as soon as i saw the number pop up onto my screen my heart dropped. i answered it quickly and i'm glad i did.

it was good news.. Mia was starting to improve. it wasnt a lot, but at least it was something. i've been told i'm aloud to visit her today.

i'm now in my car, driving towards the hospital. on my way, i'd stopped off at the disney store and bought Mia the else dress she wanted and an olaf teddy.

she's completely obsessed with all things disney, and especially frozen.

i wanted to make her happy and keep her spirits up. just seeing her happy is all i want. and her getting better.. obviously.

i arrive and climb out of my car, grabbing the bags from the back seat and heading inside.

"Faith! darling how are you!?" Hazel says, hurrying over to me and giving me a hug. i smile and hug her back before pulling away. she beams at me.

"i'm good Hazel, how are you" i ask her, walking with her towards Mia's private room. she's had to be separated from the other kids.. but she doesn't seem too bothered by it. i know she likes to be alone like me sometimes.

"i'm good, I heard the news this morning and called you immediately." she says and stops by the door, "i'll leave you to it then!" she smiles and i nod, thanking her, before heading inside.

"FAAAITTHHH" a voice calls and i smile, running over towards the bed. Mia sits up excitedly and hugs me. i hug her back tightly.

"i've missed you" she sniffles and i my heart aches.

"i've missed you more baby"

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