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brooklyn's PoV

"what do you mean 'i have a lot to tell you' ?" he asks.

"guess who i was on facetime with" i laugh and he sort of just grins a little.

"what did she say?" he asks.

"a lot, got pretty deep, but i know yous kissed" i smirk.

"i- yeah" he says with a smile. RAITH FOR LIFE.

"just once? really?" i laugh and he does red.

oh my god.

"MORE THAN ONCE?!" i ask and he nods.


"OH MY GOD WHENS THE WEDDING" i joke causing him to laugh.

"brooklyn just stoooopp" he whines.

"okay okay, date night?" i ask

"i was thinking nandos but well some things happened, i'm guessing she already told you one of them, so i thought we'd be better off staying in" he shrugs, getting out of what i presume was Faith's car.

"what are yous doing?"

"watching films.. and i want to talk to her about something.. and i might um- i want to ask her-"

"Rye is that not a bit fast?" i ask, shocking myself.

"that's what i'm worried about.. but seriously brooklyn, i feel like i've known her all my life, she's done a lot for me.. and i'm happy with her" he says quietly and i smile.

"then i say go for it" i tell him.

"I SECOND THAT" a voice calls from the stair case below.


"michael?!" Rye says.

"MIKEYYYY" i call and he runs up the stairs to me.

"is raith actually happening?" Mikey asks, joining me on the stairs, looking at Rye on my screen.

"well that depends doesn't it" Rye rolls his eyes.

"you're at Asda? what are you getting?" Mikey asks.

"raith have a date night" i smirk, causing mikey and rye to laugh.

"is that what we're going to be refereed to now is it?" Rye laughs.

"yes deal with it, and answer mikeys question" i tell him.

"well, food, not sure what to get yet- and i don't know.. i wanted to do something special but i have no idea what, that's why i came alone" he shrugs, now in the sweet isle in asda.

"such a romantic" Mikey laughs, Rye groans.

"a hopeless one, mate i actually suck at this" he says, i laugh.

"Rye?" i ask, suddenly having some sort of brain storm.


"Is mia aloud to leave the hospital?" i ask.

"i um.. i don't think so? why?" he asks, picking up some chocolate and crisps as he goes.

"i just thought it would be cute if she maybe helped you with this whole, 'asking faith out' thing you want to make special" i mumble.

"you're actually a genius" he says and i look up surprised.

"now that's a first" Mikey laughs, i nudge him with my elbow.

"but if she can't leave-"

"she doesn't have to, i have an idea" he says running towards the self check outs. me and mikey just sit and watch as he pays and then heads back to the car. once he's inside he begins to talk again.

"i wonder if they'll let me leave my phone with Mia" he says, pulling out of the car park.

"what are you thinking?"

"i'll facetime my phone, off faith's, and Mia can ask the question? wait is that stupid- i mean she said some cute ass things when i met her today" he says.

"you met her?!" mikey questions and Rye nods with a smile.

"you'll all love her" he says, pulling into now what seems like a hospital car park.

"what did she say?" i ask.

"she asked me if i was faith's boyfriend, i said no. she asked if i would be soon and i shrugged, she got all excited after that and didn't tell faith one thing when she asked instead she said it was our secret" he smiles, parking the car, "not even joking she's the most adorable person ever" he says, getting out the car.

"keep us on face time..?" i ask and he nods, putting his phone in his pocket waking in. me and mikey sit and listen.

"hazel- hey it's rye?" i hear his voice.

"yes! from earlier, how can i help!?" a woman answers. guessing that's hazel.

"can i talk to mia? it's for a surprise for faith" he asks quietly.

"i shouldn't.. but i cant say no, oh go on, be quick" hazel says

"thank you" i hear rye say and i think he must start running, all we can hear is fast footsteps and keys rattling. it's pretty funny if i'm honest. it then stops and Rye appears back on the screen.

"okay.. here goes" he knocks on the door before opening it.

"RYE!" a voice calls and i begin to smile, mikey too.

"hey mia!" rye says, now kneeling. a little girl suddenly appears in his arms, hugging him.

"it's just you?!" she asks excitedly, taking his hand and waking over to her bed with him. he picks her up and sits down.

"not really.. say hi to brooklyn and mikey" Rye laughs turning his phone to Mia.

"FROM YOUR VIDEOS!" she giggles, "hi mikey and brooky!"

"hey Mia" i say, smiling.

"now you are adorable" mikey says, causing her to smile.

"thankyyyouuu" she replies quietly, hugging rye.

"has she seen our videos?" i ask and Rye nods.

"awe! how old are you?" mikey asks her.

"i'm six soon" Mia says, "why you came? where's faith?" she asks Rye.

"i need help Mia" Rye tells her.

"did she hurt herself again?" she asks quietly, "did grandad hurt her?!" she asks again rather worriedly and i think all of us just look at her in shock, mikey mostly.

"h-how do you know about that?" Rye asks.

"i hear things" she shrugs. mikey looks rather confused and worried.

"hear things?" i ask her. is she really only 5?!

"hazel and faith talk a lot when they think i'm asleep" Mia says quietly. i don't think she understands what they mean though.

"i'm confused?" mikey whispers to me.

"later maybe.." i tell him and he nods.

"Mia.. that's not what i came for but, will you explain to me what you've heard..?" rye asks, seeming a bit unsure. Mia nods.

"guys, i'll talk later okay?" rye says to us and we nod.

"BYE MIKEY BYE BROOKY" mia calls, waving to the phone.

"bye mia" me and mikey smile, waving back and the call ends.

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now