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*warning- i guess it's sort of a sad-ish chapter.. it kinda makes me wanna cry cause it reminds me of my best friend who unfortunately suffered from a similar thing*

Faith's PoV

Friday 8th of December

i arrived at the hospital and got out of my car. i'd bought a starbucks drink on the way up here for my lunch. i wasn't really hungry so i didn't get food.

yeah that's why

it was still raining so i threw my hood up and ran towards the entrance. it was warm and quiet as usual. i come here practically every day after college.

i head over to the front desk.

"hey hazel" i smile at the nurse behind the counter.

"Faith! hey dear how are you?" she beams. i love hazel. she's practically the mother figure in my life, for many reasons.

"i'm good" i smile, "can i..?"

"oh yes yes! come with me" she says getting up. i follow her down the corridor, antiseptic fumes flooding into my nostrils. i hate the smell of hospitals but that's not gonna stop me from coming. we soon arrive at the children's ward.

"so.. i'll leave you to it?" she says rather sympathetically and i give her a small smile and nod.

"thank you" i say.

"alert my self or another nurse if anything seems off okay?" she warns and i nod. she gives me one last smile before heading back to the front desk.

i take a small breath and open the door. i follow the corridor till i find the room i'm looking for, and push the door open slightly

"AUNTY FAITH!" i hear a small voice cry and i instantly smile before running over to the hospital bed.

"Hey mia" i say and indulge the small girl into a hug. Mia is my niece who unfortunately has leukaemia.. her mam (my sister in law) had it, but sadly she died not long after mia was born.. 2 weeks to be exact. To make matters so much worse, my brother (Mia's dad) works away in the army. he visits as much as he can, and wishes he could quit his job and get a new one to be closer to mia, but well we need the money i suppose.. we're not in a good place right now. but i visit Mia, every day. she's only 5.. it breaks my heart every time i see her cause she just seems to be getting worse and worse.. but she's somehow always smiling. seeing her also makes me happy (obviously) but it's heartbreaking at the same time..

"Aunty faith, i cant have the nice medicine anymore" she complains.

"what do you mean babes?" i say, sitting beside her. she climbs onto my lap slowly and carefully and huffs.

"i have to have new one. it's not nice" she huffs and i sigh.

"but it'll help make you better" i smile lightly. her face lights up.

"if i get better, i go home with you?" she beams and i smile at her cuteness.

"maybe" i say. i really hope that she can one day.

"is daddy okay?" she asks me and i nod.

"he's doing amazing Mia. He misses you like crazy and he loves you so much" i tell her and she giggles.

"daddy helps people like my nurse" she smiles and i awe at her words.

"grandad?" she asks.

"grandad is on his way to america to help people there too" i say and her eyes widen.

"can he go to disney there? i want a princess dress!!" she squeals and i laugh.

"you already have them all!" i laugh.

"no! not elsa!" she pouts.

"well, you'll get it one day. grandad is a bit busy though.." i sigh.

"helping people. that's okay" she smiles and i smile back.

"i'm tired aunty faith" she says leaning against my arm, "can you sing to me before you go and i sleep? like usual?" she asks and i smile.

"of course baby" i say and tuck her into bed before sitting back down next to her. she smiles up at me.

"sing my song!!" she giggles and i nod.

her song is basically Rock-a-by clean bandit but my own version of it. i basically changed some lyrics so it was relatable for her and slowed it down a bit.

"i nod and begin.."

he works all night, over the water
he's gone away,  so far away
to help his daughter
he just wants a life for his baby
All on her own, only i will come
he got to save her

So i tell her
Ooh, love, no one's ever gonna hurt you, love
I'm gonna give you all of our love
Nobody matters like you

Your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life
You're gonna grow and have a good life
I'm gonna do what I've got to do

So, rockabye baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don't you cry
Somebody's got you
Rockabye baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don't you cry
Rockabye, no

i looked down and the sleeping girl beside me. i kisses her forehead and left her the sweets she loves. when she wakes up in the morning, at least she'll have something to make her happy over the weekend, the days that visiting isn't aloud because she has so many check ups.

it scares me how ill she really is..

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