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Rye's PoV


"ill murder him one day" Faith says, going back to making breakfast. i laughs and begin to help her.

"you didn't have to do this you know" i tell her as she puts the scrambled eggs on two plates.

"i felt like it" she shrugs, then going over to the oven. i open the cupboard looking for glasses. i find them eventually and take 2 out. i turn to face her. she started laughing.

"whaaattt" i whine.

"it's just cute watching you trying to find something" she says, i pout. by now she had finished with the food.

"so am i cute? you never answered" i say, going up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. this time not having brooklyn yell something.

"adorable" she laughs and turns around to face me, "you're hair uhm-"

"is a mess i know" i laugh. she just smiles and runs her hands through it. i find my cheeks suddenly start to heat up, "thanks.."

"you're welcome" she says once she's finished, i smile down at her.

"faith?" i ask quietly. our faves were inches apart..

"hmm?" she hums. i find myself leaning forward but stop myself. instead i kiss her forehead and pull her into a hug. she hugs me back, burying her head into my chest.

"what did the boys think you were lying about?" i ask and she groans.

"you don't even want to know" she says and i laugh.

"they always assume the worst don't they" i add.

"not all of them, mikeys fine," she says, pulling out of the hug, "now, breakfast?"

"i'm actually starving some how" i laugh, taking  a plate, following faith. she sits down on the sofa and i sit beside her.

"friends?" she asks opening netflix and i nod, beginning to eat.


we'd finished breakfast and were now just lying on the sofa watching friends. Faith hadn't eaten much though with worried me. she lay in front of me while my arm wrapped around her.

she made me happy.. i loved everything about her. i just love her.

i do. i love her..

"Faith" i say quietly.


"are you sure you're not hungry?" i ask and she stiffens.

"i'm okay" she says. i sigh.

"faith.. i know that's not true.. please eat.." i say. she rolls over to face me. her face looked sad.

"i'm sorry.. i tried, but i cant" she says quietly.

"look.. i know i probably wont understand what it's like.. but, faith, i want you to know that you don't need to me ashamed of how you look. you're beautiful okay? and i know you're trying, and i'll help you. but not eating.. isn't going to help" i tell her and she nods.

"i know that.. i don't not eat, i will, but i just cant eat much. i'm not a hungry person which doesn't help, along with my mental state.." she mumbles, "you've helped me though, a lot more than you think. i'm happy Rye, you make me hap-"

i find myself leaning forward and cutting her off as my lips find hers and i kiss her. she's still for a moment but i soon feel her hand cup my cheek and kisses back, causing me to smile into the kiss.

we pull apart and i look at her with a smile. her cheeks are red and she's looking down, but she soon looks up at me.

"Rye.." she starts.

"i love you" i say before she can say anymore. she smiles and cuddles into my chest.

"i love you too" she replies and i smile wide, hugging her tightly.

"brooklyn was right" i accidentally say out loud.

"he was?" she asks rather confused.

"long story.. " i laugh nervously and kiss her forehead.

brooklyn was right.. i like faith..

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now