t h i r t y t w o

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Faith's PoV
saturday 16th december

i had arrived at the venue around 30 minutes ago and was now stood inside. i honestly couldn't wait.. they'd let us in early since it was raining, which everyone seemed grateful for.

i was stood at the side barrier, god knows how i'd gotten this close, people mostly shoved and i guess that's how i ended up here.

random songs were just currently playing and everyone just sang along to them all. many fans were in merch from previous shows and all talking amongst themselves happily. Amara and her friends were stood at the opposite side to me, also right at the front. i was kinda glad i wasn't stood with them.. a lot of the fans had sort of looked at them in a bad way considering what they were wearing, how they shoved to get to the front and how loud they were being.

the music suddenly went off and the roadtrip intro began to play. screams emerged from the crowd and i just smiled.

"WHAATSS UP LONDONN" Mikey screams and the boys jump onto the stage. the fans scream and god my ears ouch. i then notice something.. my eyes scan the stage.. where's Rye..? no-

"so.. we'd like to start this off a little differently tonight" Brooklyn starts, "Andy?" he looks towards him and Andy steps forward.

"as you can see there's only 4 of us out here tonight" he says and pauses and the fans let out a disappointed gasp. andy then continues, "unfortunately.. as you may know, Rye hasn't been feeling too good these past few weeks. he's going through a little bit of a rough time.. so Blair, the boys and himself decided it would be best for him to not peform tonight.. over to you Rye" Andy finished, there were a few surprised and upset cries. i ignore them and wait for Rye to speak from wherever he was..

"Hey roadies! it's Rye. i'm so so sorry that i cant be out there performing in front of you all with my boys. but i'm here, i'm not far away. i'm still with you. i've not had the best few months i guess you could say, my confidence has dropped a lot and i'm finding it hard to be my old self. i'm okay, it's just i don't have the best mind set right now. i love you all, and i'm so sorry. i hope i didn't let you all down.. that's the last thing i wanted to do. i'm getting better though, i promise. i'm doing this for you guys, the boys and myself. once again.. i'm sorry.. thank you guys" he finishes and my heart drops.

i really hope he's okay.. i hope i still get to see him.. brooklyn suddenly looks up and smiles at something and then looks back down, scanning the crowd. uh? what?

the miss taken intro then plays and i smile and begin singing, my eyes still watching mostly brooklyn. he seems to look like he's looking for something. and then his eyes land on me. we stare at each other for a second while Andy does his solo. i smile lightly and wave. he looks away and and he walks nearer the side of the stage. the second chorus then comes on and they all begin to sing together again, the fans going wild.

brooklyn then jumps down and climbs by the barrier, taking fans hands. he's right in front of me oh lord. he takes the girls hand next to me and smiles for her camera.

the next thing i know he's looking at me.

"faith..?" he whispers.

"hi brooklyn.." i say back to him and he smiles.

brook then leans forwards, going in for some sort of hug i suppose. i hug him back.

"you see that security guard by the door?" he whispers quietly, i look to the side and nod, "go to him and tell him your name" he finishes and pulls back, putting his finger to his lips and then jumping back onto the stage.


he begins singing with the boys again but then looks at me and does some sort of signal telling me to go now.

and so i do.. i push my way through the crowd, some fans looking at me confused but i ignore them until i'm out, near the door. i walk up to the security guard. he turns to me.

"Faith summers..? i was told-"

"yes and i was told to send you up" he says pushing the door open slightly, revealing a stair case.

"thank you.." i say rather confused, and slip behind the door, making my way up the stairs. i get to another door, that opens into some sort of booth above the stage. and that's when i see him.

i stop in my tracks and stare ahead of me.

and there in front of me he stands with his back to me.

"R-Rye..?" i say nervously and he spins around.

"Faith.." he says rather relieved.

and then i don't know what suddenly comes over me. i find myself running, straight ahead towards him. i don't know why i do it but i jump and wrap both my arms and legs around him.

i feel his arms wrap around my back and his head on my shoulder.

"it feels like forever.." he whispers, hugging me tighter, somehow still holding me up.
i smile.

"i know.."

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