t h i r t y t h r e e

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Rye's PoV


i hear the door to the stairs open slightly and i freeze. she's there. i know it. she's behind me..

"R-Rye?" i hear he say and i spin around, facing her. this is real..

"Faith.." is all i can say. we sort of just stare at each other until she suddenly starts moving forwards, and i do too. she runs towards me and i open my arms. she jumps into them and i catch her, her arms and legs wrapping around me. i smile and wrap mine securely around her, burying my head into her shoulder.

"it feels like forever.." i whisper, hugging her tightly.

"i know.." she says and we both pull back looking at each other.

"i want to say i missed you.. but we haven't met before" she tells me and i smile, still carrying her.

"well, i missed you even though we haven't met" i say and she laughs.

"i missed you too" she replies and i just smile up at her, "Rye..?"


"you uh- you can put me down now" she says rather nervously. i nod, even though i don't really want to. she unwraps her legs and i let her down, but i still don't let her go, i pull her into another hug, my arms wrapping around her shoulders, pulling her towards my chest. her arms wrap around my waist.

"are you okay?" she says. i pause..

"no.." i say truthfully. and she pulls back.

"what's happened?!" she asks worriedly and i sigh, sitting down. she sits beside me and i pull her towards me so she's basically leaning against me. why i do it, i don't know.

"s-she's here" i pause and her eyes go wide, "in the crowd. she texted me and told me. i couldn't go out there.." i finish.


"i still cant.. Blair wants me to do the meet and greet.. i don't think i can. not if i'm meeting her, i don't want to. i don't want to be near her" i tell her.

she looks at me sadly.

"i want to leave.." i whisper. and she sits up.

"what?" she asks confused.

"i don't want to stay here.. i want to leave.. now.." i whisper, keeping our eye contacts.

"but- Rye.."

"brooklyn and i talked.. he thinks i should too.. that's why he knew to send you up.." i tell her, "i still had to see you.."

"Rye.. where will you go? what will you do?" she asks. i can tell she understands my point.

"i was thinking maybe a hotel somewhere? and.. i was wondering.. if you'd come with me" i whisper and wait for her to reply.

"i- yeah- okay.. but Rye.. you cant stay in a hotel.."

"why..? it's okay-"

"stay with me.." she mumbles and i look at her.


"you can come stay with me.. just until you clear your head.. and only if you want to.." she says nervously and i just stare at her.

"and.. is that okay..? are you sure?" i check. is this really happening? she nods.

"okay.. right uh" i get up, so does she.

"are we actually doing this?" she says, following me. i grab my bag from the floor and look at her.

"i guess we are.." i say with a smile and take her hand.

i pull her towards the fire escape door on the building and push it open, stepping outside onto the outdoor stairs.

"crap it's still raining" she laughs and pulls up her hood. i laugh too, letting go of her hand to pull up mine.

"what are we getting ourselves into" i say and take her hand again, heading down the stairs.

"my cars over there" she points and we begin running towards it. once there, i let go of her hand and she opens the door to the drivers side. i run round over to the passengers side and we both get in, i put my bag on the back seat.

we sit there in silence for a while, listening to the rain.

"so.. this is not how i pictured this night going" she finally says and i laugh.

"i'm sorry" i tell her

"don't be.. this is kind of better" she smiles and i smile back, "well anyways.. we have an hour and a half drive now" she adds.

"well, at least we're together" i say and she nods, starting up the car


"i shall be the DJ" i say and she laughs.

"this should be an interesting journey"

"or.. roadtrip" i smirk and she just starts laughing again. i laugh too.

how is none of this awkward? i feel like i've been friends with faith all my life..

i'm glad i can finally talk to her properly..

and be close to her.

wow.. maybe the boys were right..

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now