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Rye's PoV
Tuesday 12th december

3 days.

it's been 3 days since i last properly spoke to Faith.

i'd called, texted and left so many voicemails. i don't know what i did wrong or what's happened.

i'm scared.


i just feel so lost.

Brooklyn told the guys, just to warn them incase i kicked off. luckily i haven't.

i stayed calm around them and spoke to them. they've helped take my mind off her a little but never all of it..

i only got 1 message from her these past 3 days.

"i'm sorry, i'll talk soon. i'm okay. i just can't talk right now"

and that's all i've heard.

it's scaring me.. a lot. i haven't left the flat at all, apart from to take the bins out.

most of the time i've just sat in my bunk with Brooklyn either talking to him, watching films and occasionally texting faith the usual "hey, you okay..? talk soon yeah..?"

but never a reply.

i just hope she hasn't dont anything.. well.. bad to herself..

not knowing what's happened hurts me, not knowing if she's truly okay hurts me.

not being able to talk to her.. hurts me..

she was my distraction as well as my friend. she took my mind off all the negative things that were going on. she opened up to me about her problems and trusted me and i did the same to her.

only now.. i have no one to talk to about my problems, other than Brook. but he doesn't know about before the whole faith thing..

i hope she's okay..

"hey mate you okay?" Brook says tapping my shoulder. Andy, Mikey and Jack all turn their heads toward us.

i nod, slowly, but then look down and shake my head.

"what's up..?" Andy asks leaning on the bars of my bunk. i know he knows it's something to do with faith, but he always checks incase.

"i just miss her, a lot" i start, "it just took my mind off things.. and well now they're starting to come back too"

"the things you have told us briefly about but not in detail?" andy asks.

"in any detail at all man" Brook groans. he hates not knowing what's up.

the boys only know it had to do with a girl and then shit happened and then faith came into my life.. and then something happened that i don't know about to her and that's putting me down.

"it's hard to talk about" i state, accidentally raising my voice. brook and andy both looked down and jack and mikey seemed uncomfortable.

"sorry" i mumble and jump out of bed towards the flat door.

"rye don't-" jack starts but i slam the door and head outside.

Andy's PoV

"rye don't" jack calls after him but the door slams before he can finish. i look up from the floor at the boys, each individually and then landing on brooklyn.

"i've tried my best.." he mumbles and i give him an apologetic smile.

Rye seems to be taking to brook the most out of all of us. I have no idea why.. it's sort of making me feel a little.. left out? jealous? i don't know..

but mikey and jack both feel the same.

"it's okay brook, we know" i sigh and climb back into my bunk.

the boys didn't know i'd talked to faith a few days ago. on sunday, before she stopped talking to Rye.

i'd made a promise to her. to let her know whenever Rye was acting off.

and i intended to keep that promise, even if she didn't reply. and so i opened twitter and found our DM.


faith.. i don't know
if you're okay or not..
and i'm sorry for whatever
is bothering you, or has
upset you. and i hope it gets
better and know me and
the boys are always here to
talk about it if you need
someone.. but i made a promise,
to let you know when Rye acts
off or not himself..
He's sad Faith.. he misses you..
and he really needs someone to
talk to right now.. he says
"all the bad thoughts are coming
back to him"
whatever that means..
please, try and talk to him when
you can?
I hope you're okay too x
- Andy ❤️

i take a drink of my tea and sigh, knowing waiting it probably pointless, but to my very surprise i get this notification
..and i choke on my tea

faithsummers98 is typing..

i'm sorry.. it's not his fault
if that's what he thinks.
he hasn't done anything.
it's just some personal
stuff.. please tell him that.
i'll talk to him..
maybe tomorrow, i'm a little
busy at the moment i'm so
sorry.. tell him i'm sorry
and i'm okay and i'll talk
thank you andy.. ❤️

i'm sorry about that faith❤️
and i'll tell him.. when he gets
back cause well.. he kinda
just stormed out the house..

WHAT? why?

i'm not sure..
that's why i came to

i'll talk to him
i promise.

read 10:45am

i smile to myself.

thank the lord for faith.

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