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Rye's PoV
thursday 14 december

Megan was friends with Amara.

what the fuck-

did megan follow me on purpose?

has she been following me around more than once?

is this all because of Amara?

oh what am i saying, of course it is.

she must be pissed off with me.. even though i didn't do anything but be unable to meet with her..

she's the one who broke me apart and messed with my head.. and life.

she ruined me. broke me. used me.

destroyed me.

and i didn't know why.. whoever set her up with me must have something against me. and apparently isn't planning on leaving me alone till they get whatever they want.

"why the- FUCK" i scream and punch the wall. pain shoots through my hand and wrist but i shake it off..

"Rye..?" a voice says from behind me and suddenly someone grabs my arm and pulls me around. it's Brooklyn, "what the hell happened- why did you?" he says but he seems quite shocked and surprised. i cant blame him..

"she ruined me, she used me, she fucking destroyed me" i just spit.

"what? who?" he says.

"you know fucking who" i groan.

"what? faith?!" his eyes stare at me in shock.

"NO! no. no. not her no" i say and he sighs with relief.

"then who..?" he asks again, more calmly.

"the girl.. i had been texting. her friend followed me here, from mcdonald's, through the wood, to the park. for six bloody hours" i tell him and his eyes go wide.

"what the hell.. that's messed up.. are you oka- never mind" he starts and i look at him.

"my hand hurts" i admit and then wince when he takes my hand in both of his.

"you just punched a wall mate" brooklyn says examining my hand, pretending like he knows what he's doing.

"you what?" Andy says and i look behind to find all the boys standing there. Jack, Mikey, Andy and Harvey. Harvey looks so confused i feel bad for him.

"i think it's time you explain.. everything" Mikey says and i nod.

"but his hand-" brook starts.

"it's not broken it's just swollen i think" i say and brook sighs.

"come on, let's go inside.." Jack says and so we do.

Faith's PoV
thursday 14 december


"quit screaming lyrics oh my god" i say laughing at my best friend who is just screaming harvey lyrics while she drives.

"sorry he's just bloody amazing" she says in a sassy tone making me laugh again. she smirks and then turns down the music.

"i've been listening to that band roadtrip, they're pretty good" she tells me.

"i know" i say smiling out the window.

"that Rye guy? he's pretty fit. is he alright tho?" she asks and i stiffen.

"yeah why?" i question.

"doesn't seem active on social media and he's never in the new vlogs" she shrugs.

"you checked their social media's?" i ask.

"well i'm meeting them too" she says rather bluntly.

"yeah.. true.." i say.

"you okay girlie?" she asks me.

"i'm fine" i smile.

"just checking, i can't wait for saturday" she smirks and giggles. i roll my eyes.

"me too" i say with a smile. i'm meeting Rye.. of course i'm excited.

"you know, i love having you as a friend Faith" She says randomly.

"me too Amara" i reply and we arrive at starbucks.

A/n: might want to keep an eye on your best friend faith
also, sorry it's a bit short x

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