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Rye's PoV


"i will never leave you" i whisper and she smiles lightly.

".. you can always be you" she giggles causing me to laugh.

"i didn't think about that" i say, taking her hands. she stands up.

"i'll never leave you either" faith tells me and i smile.

"let's get you home" i say, she nods and i wrap my arm over her shoulder. we walk out the hospital towards her car, "can i drive?" i ask and she passes me her keys.

"you better be a good driver" she jokes, i smirk and we get into the car.

"i'm pretty decent" i tell her, she let's out a laugh.

"just drive beaumont" she laughs and i smile, pulling out of the hospital car park.

it's silent for the first few minutes.. we'd never properly talked about last night.. this morning.. the kiss...

"faith..?" i ask quietly.


"last night.. this morning.. just before.." i pause, "um.. jesus why is this hard to word" i laugh nervously.

"i meant what i said" she says and my head snaps towards her. luckily we were stuck in traffic..

"what..?" i ask confused.

"i-i love you" faith says, slightly blushing. i smile wide.

"i meant what i said too, i love you too faith" i tell her, she looks up at me and smiles back at me.

"brooklyn was right..?" she questions and i roll my eyes, causing her to laugh, "noo tell me"

"he used to tease me about liking you" i mutter quietly.

"hazel did the same with me" she says.

"so she did know about me?" faith nods.

"she knew i was talking to a guy and that was it, apparently she could just tell" she shrugs. i smile.

"what are we faith..?" i ask finally, she looks at me.

she pauses and i can tell some deep shit is coming..

"i read somewhere.. God doesn't give you the people you want, he gives you the people you need. to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, to understand you, trust you, and to make you the person you were meant to be. we each bring something different into each others lives, we learn from eachother and support one another but build together. that person is your other half. the one you need. the one who completes you" she pauses, i sort of just stare at her in shock, "i don't know what we are.. but i know i need you" she finishes and i smile wide.

"faith..?" i ask


"would you like to maybe.. go out with me tonight..? a date..?" i ask, somewhat nervously.

"i'd like that" she says and i smile. the traffic then begins to move. great timing..

it didn't take too long however, faith's flat was only few blocks away. i parked her car once outside her flat block and we both got out. i take her hand in mine as we walk inside, passing another car which i don't think i'd seen this morning..

we head up the stairs, to the door of her flat. faith takes out her keys and goes to unlock the door. she pauses.

"i did lock the door this morning didn't i..?" she asks me and i nod, "it's open..?" she says confused and pushes open the door.

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now