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Faith's PoV
Tuesday 12th december



that's the thing..
i cant remember

what do you mean..?

I don't know..

rye, do you not
remember or do
you just not want
to say..?

i um

you don't have to
say anything if
you don't want to

later maybe?

of course x

are you really
okay? is there
anything i can
help with?

no.. not really
and i don't know

oh :(
i'll try and make
you happy. i'll uh

you'll what?

can we facetime



read 11:23am

i smile and put my phone away, looking around at the empty hospital ward. Mia was still asleep and the nurses didn't want to wake her. but it's nearly lunch soon, so they said they'd see how she was.

"Miss Summers?" A nurse asks, opening the door to Mia's room.

"yes that's me" i say grabbing my bag and standing up.

"someone wants you" she gives a smile but all i see is sadness in her eyes which makes me feel on edge. i smile lightly and nod before entering the room.

"Faaaiithhh" a weak voice calls and i smile sitting beside her, "i missed youu"

"i missed you too baby" i smile taking her hand, "how are you feeling?"

"tired" she mumbles and rests her head on my shoulder.

"are you hungry? i got lunch" i say with a smile, pulling out a mcdonald's bag.

"it's tuesday?!" she smiles and i nod.

every tuesday i'd bring Mia a Mcdonald's. i know it sounds bad but it's hard not to, it's pretty much the only food she gets that isn't from the hospital. i'm surprised she's aloud it to be honest.

she takes her happy meal and begins eating, rather slowly though.

"daddy?" she questions and i sigh.

"he's very busy Mia, but he loves you and i know he misses you so much" i tell her and she just nods.

she's being really quiet and it's scaring me..

"are you okay Mia?" i ask.

"tired, feel a little sick" she states and i frown.

"are you hungry?" i ask and she slowly shakes her head.

"not really.. but it's my favourite" she pouts.

"you don't have to eat it baby, you can go back to sleep if you want" i tell her and she nods slowly.

"i need my medicine first" she tells me. what?

"what medicine?" i ask.

"nurse ashley said i have to have medicine before bed now" she sighs.

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now