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Rye's PoV



attack me all you hoes want, i don't give a shit. but let me tell you one thing. you wanna know where Rye really is? well he isn't alone. isn't that right @/faithsummers98 ? how are you both? having fun?

i stare at the screen.. did we just get exposed?


"let me look through the replies first" i say, taking her phone.

i scroll through them, Mikey had been the first reply.


in reply to AmaraCantwell97 and faithsummers98

ROADIES DON'T ATTACK FAITH! SHE'S THE REASON RYE IS GETTING BETTER.. she has shown so much support for him it's insane. it's hard to explain everything, but yes they're together, Rye is staying with her at the moment to clear his head. Faith is an amazing girl, the boys and i agree. She is a good friend to us all and we all trust her. Faith, when you see this, i want you to ignore any hate if there even is any, ill be disappointed if there is. thank you for helping him Faith, thank you for bringing him back.

- Mikey❤️

Mikey, thank fuck you're alive. after that.. all replies were positive, though a few were saying that they thought i needed to say something to explain. the roadies seemed to be showing a lot of love to faith, which made me smile.

"what is it..?" faith asks, seeming rather nervous.

"mikey tweeted this" i show her and she reads it, letting out a smile

"all replies after that are positive.. they just seem to attack me, in a nice way though, saying i need to explain" i tell her, closing the twitter app and opening facetime, "before any of that though.."

"who are you calling" she smiles, resting her head back on my shoulder.

'Yourself?" she laughs confused as i click facetime on my contact.

"just wait.." i say, praying Mia was awake.

it then connects and we see her face pop up on the screen.

"IVE BEEN WAITING AGES AND AGES UNCLE RYE" she squeals, "I REMEMBERED WHAT TO DO" she giggles making me smile.

"Mia?!" Faith says, surprised but i know shes happy.

"AUNTY FAITH ITS MEEE IM ON RYE'S PHONE" she squeals and we both laugh.

"i see that.." faith laughs, "But why?"

"i- now?" Mia looks at me and i nod. Faith looks beyond confused.

"Faith.. Unc- Rye, would like it if, you would.. let him be the best boyfriend in da whole world to you, i know he will be, and make you happy and make you smile and you both visit me together and love each other very very much" she says and im taken back by her words.

Faith looks up at me and i smile but i know for some reason im also blushing.

Mia, thats not what we rehearsed but thank you..?

"is that so?" faith asks looking at me.

"I LEAVE YOU TWO BYE LOVE YOU" mia says quickly and somehow ends the call. i guess she remembered from our facetime with mikey and brooklyn.

"it is" i say and she smiles before nodding.

"Rye.." i don't let her finish. i press my lips agains hers, my hands going to her waist. she kisses me back instantly and i smile into it. i deepen the kiss, pulling her closer to me, her arms now wrapped around my neck.

"i don't know if you got all that.. and i know it's only been a week, but it feels like forever.. Faith, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask quietly, taking a breath.

"yes Rye, i will" she replies quietly, making me smile wide.

i swear.. i'd be lost without her.

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now