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Faith's PoV
Wednesday 13th December

i was sat in starbucks, drawing in my diary. it's weird, usually when people think of a diary they think of basically a note pad where people write about their day, their thoughts and feelings about that day.

me, i draw, write quotes and keep photos representing my favourite memories in mine.

i take the last sip of my coffee and put my diary back in my bag, getting out of my chair, heading towards the door.

ugh. rain.

i pull up my hood and shove my hands into my pockets, heading to my car. i get in quickly and put my keys into the ignition, it immediately starts up and warm air blast through the heaters. i smile and put on some music.

it was quite dark considering it was only 12pm, although the clouds looked almost black. was it due to snow today? i cant even remember.

what day even is it?

oh wednesday. i began driving down the motor way, passing my college, back towards my house.

they'd given me a 2 week absence due to what was going on at the minute which i was grateful for. but i would probably go back sooner, college does help take my mind off things..

as well as rye..

i'm still not over what he said before he ended our call earlier.

"love you too babe"

i know he's just winding me up but seriously,
it's not fair. i need to find something that i can get him back with.

no idea what though.

it's crazy to think me and Rye have only known each other for 5 days. technically for me i've known him since 2015, but he didn't know me, so i guess that doesn't count.

the fact i'm meeting him on saturday.. i honestly can't believe it. i guess i have Amara to thank for that.

but honestly, can saturday just get here already?

i'm suddenly unable to wait..

Rye's PoV
wednesday 13th december

I woke up to find myself not in my bunk, but in brooks. i sat up slowly and stretched. i hear someone jump up and i'm suddenly face to face with mikey.

"sleep well? you good? can i get you anything" he asks.

"you know, i am okay mikey. i can take care of myself" i sigh. he shrugs.

"im helping you. deal with it. i'm now your servant while you recover from whatever it is you're recovering from" he says, his hands now on his sides. i laugh at how serious his expression looks and he can't help but smile.

"you're shit at staying serious you know that right?" i laugh and he rolls his eyes.

"yeah i know, but seriously, you need anything? i'm the only one here at the minute so ask away" he says sitting beside me.

"how long have i been asleep?" i ask.

"well, after we got you sat down and got some food in you, well you fell asleep watching stranger things with brooklyn and that was aroundddd 11am? it's almost 4pm now" he shrugs and i nod.

"where are the boys?"

"Asda i think, Andy wanted pork pies, Brook wanted to get some snacks and stuff for tonight and Jack just wanted to go cause he wanted to make sure brook got the good snacks and not the snide ones like last time" he laughs.

"hey, those snide Doritos weren't that bad" i laugh and Mikey looks at me.

"are you serious? i felt like i was eating rocks" he says and i kind of have to agree.

"okay true.. wait what's happening tonight?" i ask.

"harveys coming back from LA since tour starts on saturday. he's gonna be staying with us and we thought we'd watch films or something" Mikey tells me.

"cool" i say and he gives me a worried glance.

"you can stay in Blair's room if you want to be alon-"

"no no, i'll stay and watch films and catch up with you all" i tell him and he smiles but then frowns.

"by catching up, do you mean tell us what's been going on..?" he asks unsurely and i shake my head.

"i don't want to put us all in a bad mood tonight. i will talk about it though.. maybe just not tonight, i mean harveys coming back from LA and tour starts soon, we should be celebrating and having fun i guess. i don't want to ruin that"

"Rye.. please don't get mad at me but, i just don't want to be sat there the entire time thinking about it you're actually having a good time or just putting on an act for us.. if you're not feeling too well happy? you don't have to pretend like you are" he tells me and i nod.

"Mikey, taking my mind off things helps. the only reason i acted out before was because Andy brought it up. i mean, i've been fine the past day or so.. well actually never mind"

"you were with brook most of the time" he says in a sort of sad tone.

"yeah.. that's why i said never mind" i say quietly.

"you and brooklyn seem close at the moment.. we all thought you were the most annoyed at him.. just cause you seemed to take it out the most on him.." he says nervously and begins to fidget uncomfortably.

"Mikey i'm not going to kick off if that's what you're worried about" i tell him and he nods, "but yeah.. i know i took it out on him the most and the worst part is i guess he tried the hardest to get me to speak to him? if you know what i mean.."

"brooklyn only ever talked about how you were those past 3 months. we couldn't understand why he seemed so okay with the way you acted back towards him. he used to always just tell us that even though you did say some things that sort of pissed us all off, we should ignore it cause you didn't mean it, you were just hurting. he used to say when people are hurting they can't really control what they say and do, it just happens. a sort of way to get out how you were feeling inside" he pauses, "and then he said some pretty deep yet smart shit, honestly couldn't believe it was brooklyn i was talking to." he says and i take in everything he said and then sort of laugh at the last bit, but he does too.

"and he said?" i ask and he thinks for a minute.

"the more we piss him off, the more of a reaction we'll get out of him. by that we can tell how bad the situation must be and maybe even in the end, get it out of him. maybe we need to piss him off to the point were he literally just lets it all out. letting out your inner feelings makes you feel a lot better, even if you think it doesn't at the time" he finishes and i'm quite literally shocked.

"uh- what's going on?" a voice asks.

and that voice just so happened to belong to Brooklyn.

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