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Rye's PoV
tuesday 12 december

now connected.

i stared at the screen and smiled at the girl in front of me.

"Rye.." she said rather quietly.

"hey faith" i waved and she smiled.

"hey" she waved back and let out a small laugh, "okay this is weird".

"agreed" i laugh, "but i like it".

"me too" she smiles. I take in her appearance. Light brown hair, Green eyes that seemed tired, sad yet a spark of happiness, and a smile that literally made you want to smile.

"so.. are you okay..?" i ask and she shrugs. what a stupid question.

"well.. honest opinion?"

i nod.

"no, not really" she says suddenly looking quite sad.

"talk to me..?" i ask unsure and she sighs and looks away, fiddling with her fingers.

"Mia was born with Leukemia, and well, she's not doing to well at all.. On sunday night i got a call from the hospital about it. The new treatment isn't working so they're trying a different one. it's not helping at all.. she's always tired, she can never sleep anymore, and-" she pauses and looks down, i already know she's trying not to cry, to be honest, this is making me want to cry.

"Faith.. it's okay.. you don't have to go on" i say and she looks up, her eyes glassy.

"thank you" she says and gives a small smile.

"okay, lets uh lighten the mood?" i say and she laughs.

"good idea" i hear a thud from outside the door and then a yell.

"uh i think one of the boys is stood outside the door" i say and she just nods.

"i bet its brooklyn" Faith says and i crack a smile

"CORRECT" brooklyn yells from behind the door causing both me and Faith to laugh.

"COME JOIN THE PARTY NEXT DOOR" He yells bursting into the door and diving onto the bed, "FAITH HI NICE TO SEE YOU" Brook says grabbing my phone and running out the door.

"HEY COME BACK" I yell chasing him into the other room. i grab my phone off him and look at the screen. Faith is just laughing at brooks actions.

"well anyways.. this is Mikey, jack, Andy and well you know brook i guess" i say putting the camera infront of me and the boys and pointing to each of them as i say their names. they all wave at the camera.

"i know Rye" She laughs.

"right.. GUYS THIS IS FAITH" i yell and the boys just laugh.

"HI. WERE ROADTRIP" they all say but me and i cringe.

"Shut up" i groan but then smile back at faith who smiles back.

"Well anyways it's nice to finally talk in person" Andy says and i look at him.

"you mean talk at all?" i laugh raising a brow. he shakes his head and i look back at faith.

"twitter dms" she explains and i look back at andy. he gulps.

"Ryeeeee its nothing bad" Faith laughs.

"IM SO CONFUSED" Brook yells, i laugh and shake my head.

"Me too" Mikey adds.

"I thanked her for something thats all" Andy shrugs and Faith nods.

"Oh right" i say and shake off that sudden pang of jealousy.

"And i thought i was special, thinking i was the only other person she'd talked to" brook huffed.

"oh brook, you ARE special" Jack says, causing us all to laugh, even Brooklyn.

"Well this is fun" i say looking back at Faith and she nods.

"i did not expect brooklyn screaming at me through phone 3 times to be involved in our first facetime call, even though i probably should have" she says and i laugh.

"im gonna go back into blairs room?" i say to the boys and they nod. i pick up my phone and head back out the room to blairs, "wait did you want to speak to them too?"

"I mean, i'm not bothered really, but i thought it would have been just us when we would finally facetime" she shrugs and i smile.

"yeah, me too" she says and smiles back.

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now