t w e n t y t w o

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Rye's PoV
Thursday 14th december

i'd woken up pretty early somehow, probably because i'd slept quite a lot earlier yesterday and last night. i was still in my jeans from yesterday too, yikes that'll be why i was uncomfortable.

i was in my bunk watching Friends while the boys were still asleep. i'd woken up at 5:46am and had got through the first episode, i'm debating whether to watch another or get something to eat.

food it is.

i climb down the ladder carefully and head over to the door, staying quiet and stepping over brooklyn and harvey asleep on the mattress on the floor. i grab my yellow hoodie from the sofa, pull it on and slip on my shoes, heading to the door, taking £5 with me too.

Mcdonald's hashbrowns were calling me.

i head out the flat, and towards the cut to Asda, hopping the fence like usual, almost dropping my phone in the process.

it's still dark and i kind of like that, yet it then starts to rain, so i pull my hood over my head and run towards Mcdonald's.

it's pretty much empty apart from a few other people sat inside. i head to the tills to order my food. i pull out my phone and i wait for someone to realise.

"good morning, what can i get you" says a feminine voice and i look up.

"hash browns and a tea please" i tell her and she smiles and then starts eying me up and down. well this isn't awkward at all..

"that all?" she sort of giggles and i shrug.

"yup" i say and look around.

"i'm megan by the way" she tells me randomly and i just nod.

"and you are?" she sends me a grin, but not the one you'd say is friendly..

"an agitated human trying to order" i tell her and i think she takes the hint so then leaves to get my order.

was that cold of me? maybe not.. lately i just feel off and not my usual self i guess. a different worker returns with my food and i take it, grinning to myself and i take a seat by the window in the corner. and i'm later joined.. by the girl from before.

"you don't talk much" she says sitting opposite me, now dressed in her every day clothes i presume, "but when you do-"

"can i help you with something?" i interrupt her, rather agitated.

"grumpy this morning are we?" she giggles in a flirtations way and i roll my eyes. i mean i want to be left alone?

"no just annoyed" i tell her staring out the window until my phone buzzes and i take it out. she's still sat watching me and it's making me uncomfortable.

i check my phone and i'm quite relieved when i see its faith. i smile wide and reply.


you're probably not
awake but gooood
morninnnggg i'm
bored so here i am

actually i'm awake
and you pretty much
just saved me
i'm in mcdonald's and
some worker won't leave
me alone
like genuinely she's now
decided to sit with me
and i feel very VERY

"someone important?" megan asks curiously and i take this as an opportunity to say something to try and make her leave.

"yeah, girlfriend. i'm picking her up soon, were going out for the day" i lie and add a smile. this girl megan seems to take it. but she doesn't seem to happy..

i win.

"girlfriend? damn" she says leaning back and i sort of snort with laughter.

"yeah girlfriend" i say, and i can tell i'm pissing her off.

"whoever she is, you could do better" and once she says that i become even more pissed off than before. i know i don't actually have a girlfriend but technically, she's talking about Faith in that sentence considering that's who i was texting and that's who she thinks is my "girlfriend".

"don't talk about her like that" i say, raising my voice and standing up out of my seat, "quite frankly she's perfect to me and i don't think i could do better. so please, quit with the embarrassing attempt at flirting and instead of insulting someones girlfriend who you don't even know, leave" i tell her and her face hardens. i just glare at her and she rolls her eyes before leaving.

i sit back down and let out a sigh. my phone then buzzes again.


well that's a bit
weird.. make up
some sort of excuse
to get her to leave..?

just did ;)
i'm never coming here
again i don't think😂

aw well done😂
but why?

cause i'd rather not
be flirted with in the
middle of mcdonald's
when i'm trying to
eat my hash browns

ohhh i thought you meant
she's banned you or
and hashbrowns are gooood

i thought she was going to
as soon as i said what
i did😂
and yes yes they are

oh god what did you say?

may or may not have
pretended i had a girlfriend
and that's who i was texting
when i was texting you
and then she kicked off
sort of and i kicked off with
her and she left
not my fault you chose to
agitate me when i'm trying
to eat hashbrowns

well i'm glad i was a sort
of help ? 😂

you saved my arse thank
you for texting me at
exactly 6:38am and not like
7am where i could have then
been kidnapped by a
mcdonald's worker

well, you're welcome :)
also a little extreme?😂

maybe just a little
but you never know😂

i smile and take another bite out of my hashbrowns.

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