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Rye's PoV


"how long have you known my aunty" Mia asks, jumping up at her bed. i laugh and pick her up, sitting her on the bed. Faith sits beside her, with me on the other side.

"i've known faith for about a week" i tell her and Mia nods.

"but you look like someone" she questions, "OO! OO! HES THE GUY IN THE WOLF SONG" she squeals.

"wolf song?" i question.

"she loves your cover of wolves" faith laughs.

"yes! you and your friends!" Mia giggles and i smile, "i like the worry song too!" i look at faith confused again.

"she likes your song i wasn't worried" faith says and i smile.

"you like our song?" i ask her and she shakes her head

"no! i love it!" she says and i laugh.

"well that's good" i tell her, looking up at faith. she smiles at me.

"can you sing to me before i sleep?" she asks, climbing into my lap.

"if you want me to" i tell her and she squeals, hugging me. faith begins to laugh.

there's suddenly a knock at the door and a nurse walks through the door.

"oh hello Faith and um?" the nurse says.

"hi ashley, this it Rye, what's up?" faith asks, standing up. Mia clings to me.

"we need to do another blood test today.." ashley says and faith nods.

"nooooo i don't want to" Mia whines. i look at her sadly.

"it'll be okay Mia, we'll stay with you?" i tell her looking up at faith. she nods.

"but i don't like them" she says quietly. ashley comes over to us with the equipment, faith sits back down beside us both, taking mia hand.

"remember like last time? can you be brave again?" faith says and Mia nods.

"okay.." she mumbles and i hold her on my lap. ashley takes her arm and Mia closes her eyes.

(a/n- idk what to write for taking the blood so..)

"there we go, all done" ashley says, putting a plaster over where she took the blood from.

"can i open my eyes now?" mia asks.

"yes you can" ashley says before walking towards the door. Mia's eyes open and she looks down at her arm.

"i don't like the marks they leave" she says sadly.

"marks?" i ask.

"just little scars" faith whispers to me and i nod. poor little Mia..

"yes those things" mia says

"hey, i have a scar too, just by my waist" i tell her.

"we all have battle scars?" she questions.


"i think?" i ask.

"that's what faith calls hers, so i call mine them too" mia tells me. i look over at faith, her face is just blank.


"oh right" i say looking back towards Mia.

"i'm tired" Mia says, resting her head on my shoulder.

"how about we get you to bed then?" Faith says getting up. Mia nods, opening her arms to faith. she picks her up and tucks mia into bed.

"can Rye sing the song?" Mia asks, looking up to me. Faith looks over at me with a small smile.

"of course i can" i smile sitting beside her. faith sits down beside me.

and i then begin to sing, only part of the end of the song though..

You might be so far away,
For my heart i know you'd wait,
I wasn't worried,
Cause' i knew you were mine,
I wasn't worried,
Cause' i knew this was right,
And we'll be 47, 87 all of our lives,
I wasn't worried,
Cause' i knew you were mine.
I'll be there through ever single emotion
I'll be there with all my love and devotion,
I'll be there girl when you call.
I wasn't worried,
Cause' i knew you were mine...

i look down at Mia, she's asleep with a smile across her face. i smile down at her then look towards Faith.

"b-battle scars?" i ask quietly. she looks down.

"faith no.." i start.

"not now Rye.. later.. i promise" she says quietly, getting up, heading to the door. i can tell she's a little upset, almost ashamed.. i don't think i was supposed to find out.

i get up and follow after her.

"faith wait-" i call after her, shutting Mia's door behind me. she's sat on a chair by the front desk alone, her head in her hands. i run over and neal down infront her.

"faith.. please don't cry.." i say pulling her hands away from her face. she just looks at me with sad eyes.

"i-i'm sorry" she says quietly.

"don't say that, don't please.." i tell her, wiping her tears away with my thumb, "you don't have to hide from me faith, i'm not going to judge you, i never will" i say, cupping he face and pressing my lips against hers. she kisses me back..

it's slow, gently yet full of passion. i pull away after a while and rest my forehead against hers.

"i will never leave you" i whisper and she smiles lightly.


Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now