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Rye's PoV


"well.. i'm sorry, for treating you the way i did. and i'm sorry if i piss you off in anyway in the future" i tell them and they laugh.

"Rye, we all piss each other off, so what. we deal with it and get over it. i'm just glad you're okay and that you finally talked to us" andy says standing up. i do too and he gives me a hug.

"OOOO ME TOO, GROUP HUG" brooklyn yells and suddenly i find myself stuck in the middle of an alpha dog bro hug.

"are you all finally friends again?" blair says from the door way and we pull away quickly.

"i'm sorry, i'll try my best to stay positive for the tour" i tell blair. it's obvious he's still annoyed with me.

"oh yeah?" he says holding out his hand and i go to shake it.. then realise..


"rye what the hell did you do!?" Blair asks sternly, yet i can tell he's pissed.

"i got mad.. and punched a wall.." i mumble avoiding his glare.

"you're going to be on stage in less than 48 hours what were you thinking" he adds and i sigh.

"i know i'm sorry.." i tell him

"well that's not good enough Rye. you need to start thinking about your actions. yes you went through a bad time, but think about the consequences! you're now unprepared to peform for the whole tour, since you haven't came along to any rehearsals and now you've busted your hand? and the roadies are already making assumptions. the other day i had to make announcement that you were infact still in the band cause they started to get the impression you weren't due to your absence!" he finishes and i all i can do is nod.

"he said he's sorry Blair.. go easy.. he's been through a rough time" Andy says and i smile lightly at him.

"i don't think i should even let you peform due to your state of mind, lack of rehearsal and busted up hand" blair says and my heart drops.

"no no you can't.. please don't, i-i'll come to rehearsals tonight and i'll go to them tomorrow and i'll rehears all saturday before the show.. " i pretty much beg.

"we've been rehearsing for the past month without you. we didn't know if you would be okay for tour at all. the boys have even learnt your parts." blair pauses, "you have tonight and tomorrow to learn the routines, timings, stage directions, vocals and the whole set list, got it?"

i nod and he leaves the room. how the hell am i going to do that..

"we'll help you Rye," Brooklyn says and the boys nod.

"well we better get started then.." i say and they agree.

"i'll come help too" Harvey adds and i smile.

"well let's get going then" Mikey says, heading towards the door and we all follow him.

Faith's PoV
thursday 14th december

"WERE GOING TO VICTORIA SECRET NEXT OKAY COME ON" Amara commands dragging my arm towards the bright pink store.

"jesus christ do we have to" i groan, shoving my hands into my hoodie pocket.

"yes we do" she grins before taking a sip of her starbucks coffee.

"i feel awkward" i say once i'm inside and Amara begins to look through all the lingerie.

"it's a woman's store and you're a woman faith god calm down" she laughs.

"why do you need anything new? you've got loads already.." i groan. literally, every time we go shopping she buys so many new things from victoria secret. i'm surprised there's still things left for her to buy.

"well tour is on saturday" she says as if it was obvious.

"oh so you're wearing a bright pink lace lingerie and nothing else?" i laugh and she giggles.

"no, but why not get something new? you never know what could happen" she says with a smirk and i cringe.

"Amara- i- why oh my god" i say and head towards the exit.

"hey no wait" she says grabbing my arm and i wince.


"the tour, i need to talk to you about that" she says and i nod.

"3 of my other friends are going, you cool if i hang with them?" she says and i frown.

"i'll be alone though-"

"faith please" she pleads but it seems to be in quite a bitchy tone..

"okay" i nod, "see you saturday" i tell her and walk out the store.

maybe it'll be better if i'm alone.. i can do my own thing, not be dragged about by Amara.. and talk to Rye properly.. i mean the boys.

i didn't though did i..

obviously i will talk to the boys.. but i'll just finally be able to speak to rye face to face and just.. i don't know.

it's gotten to the point where Rye is practically my only trustworthy friend.. i know i have Amara, but she barely really knows the real me..

with Rye, i am me. i'm real. and he accepts me..

He makes me feel like i'm worth it

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