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Friday 8th of December
11:40 am

faith's PoV

College was already dragging. i was currently sat in my art class staring at paints, wondering what i should create on the blank sheet of paper in front of me. College, for me, finishes at 1:00pm today but it seems ages away. i need to try and find Amara later today too, she has a surprise for me apparently.

Roadtrip also announced they were going on a christmas tour. But i couldn't get tickets, the london show sold out super quickly it was scary. I also didn't really want to go due to my social anxiety or just anxiety in general really.

I picked up my phone and started scrolling though some photos, trying to see if any would be good to paint. and that's when my eyes landed on a photo of my uncles dog. i smiled and decided that would be what i paint.

so i began.

Friday 8th of December
12:40 pm

it had been an hour and i'd finally finished my painting, and it was pretty good timing too as my art tutor just dismissed the class. i was now heading to the lunch hall, not to buy anything though as i wasn't hungry, but to find Amara.

i pushed open the doors to the hall and looked around at the sea of students, trying to find Amara.

my eyes finally land upon her face. she was sat at a table with all her other friends, the popular people you could call them. i sigh and head over, pretty much hiding in the crowd.

"Amara hey" i say quite quietly but she hears me. she smiles and stands up, giving me a hug.

"come with me we need to talk" she says, smiling so wide it scared me. i just nod and let her drag me out into the hall way.

"guess what guess what GUESS EFFIN WHAT" she squeals making me laugh.

"what what EFFIN WHAT" i laugh.

"I GOT TICKETS TO THE XMAS TOUR" she quite literally jumps up and down squealing like a little kid on christmas day. i smile lightly.

"oh my god that's great! i didn't know you liked road trip" i say and she frowns.


"ohhhh that explains it" i smile, "well, congrats! the london show sold out pretty fast.. so yeah i couldn't get tickets" i add.

"you did" is all she says and i look at her confused, "did you really think i was gonna go alone?"

I stare at her confused at what she's saying.


"OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU" i cry and hug her. she hugs me back.

"only now, next saturday will take forever to get here" she groans and i sigh.

"yeah i know, but it'll give us time to prepare" i shrug and she grins.

"nobody from college can know, they'll think we're crazy" Amara smirks and i

"they already know you are" i say and she giggles.

"well, see you later i guess" Amara says with a smile, which i gladly return.

"yeah, and thank you by the way" i add before waving and walking towards the college exit.

Rye's PoV

Friday 8th of December

i'm sat in mcdonald's with a tea and a box of chips. all i'd done today was walk around the little wood, practice a few flips and tried out some new other things.

i think i'd also climbed about 6 or 7 trees, one which i fell out of. that's when i decided i should leave. so now i'm here, in a mcdonald's, eating a box of chips and drinking a tea. that's all i've had all day pretty much.

i finished my food and decided i should head back to he flat.

i stand up from my seat and head outside into the car park. i jog down the path towards asda and hop the fence that lead into the estate.

it was getting quite dark already and it was only around 2 o'clock. i kinda liked it though. ive decided that i now prefer night over day for some strange reason. maybe because it's more quite and peaceful.

it's scary how much one little thing can change a person, right?

the park was empty, apart from a ball left probably by mikey from yesterday. we had played football for about an hour or so. it was fun, i will admit, but i didn't talk so i sort of feel bad. i feel bad cause i know the boys want to help me, but i just don't know what to say. i trust them, just for some odd reason i don't want to talk about what happened. it's not even that much of a big thing, but it's really messed with me.

i make a detour into the park to get the football and then head back to the flat. hopefully the boys will be occupied with something when i go in.

once i was inside, i slipped my shoes off and headed to my bunk which i now seem to be attached to.

the boys appeared to be deep in conversation about the tour and vlogmas. i'd completely forgot about vlogmas, i don't think i'd been in any of them that had been uploaded so far, maybe just in the background.

immediately as i walked into the room the boys went silent and stayed silent until i had my headphones on my head and appeared to be 'focused' on watching the vampire diaries. in reality my mind was in places i never had dreamed of.

i could feel someone's eyes burning into the back of my head and i knew it would be Andy. he's been trying to get me to talk to him for days but i just can't seem to and i wish i could.

what the hell is wrong with me..?

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