t w e n t y e i g h t

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Faith's PoV


"i've missed you more baby" i tell her and she pulls away and beams at me.

"i'm getting better hazel says" she tells me and i smile.

"that's amazing baby, i have a surprise for you!" i say and her eyes light up.

"but it's not tuesday?" she asks.

"it's not mcdonald's" i laugh and hold up the disney store bags. her jaw drops.

"for me?" she squeals and takes the bag from my hand, opening it excitedly, "ELSA DRESS AND OLAF" she yells," YOU REMEMBERED!" Mia smiles and hugs me.

"of course i did Mia" i say with a smile.

"thank you auntie faith, thank you lots and lots" she says with the cutest smile on her face. i aw at her words.

"i love you to the moon and back" i smile, sitting next to her on the bed.

"i love you more than all the stars!!" she giggles and jumps up out of bed to change into her elsa dress.

she comes out from behind the curtain soon after in the dress.

"I LOVE IT" she squeals and runs around the little room giggling. i jump up and chase after her, grabbing her sides gently and lifting her up, spinning her around.

"best day ever" she smiles and wraps her arms around my neck and hugging me. i can tell she's still a little tired, "can we get a photo? i like snapchat filters" she smiles and i nod, pulling out my phone. i sit down with her on my lap.

"bunny filter! wait no ANGEL FILTER!!" she says scrolling through them. i laugh before taking the picture. her smile was the cutest thing i've ever seen. i save it to my memories and just as i'm about to click off it i stop myself and find myself thinking of Rye..

and so, i add a caption and hit the roadtrip username on snapchat, sending it to them.

"now, let's get you back into bed" i say to mia and she nods with a yawn.

i carry over to the bed and lay her down, tucking her in.

"sing let it go?" she giggles and i smile and agree.

Rye's PoV
friday 15th december

"xFaithx98 sent you a snapchat"

i unlock my phone, opening the snap, smiling instantly.

it's a photo of her at the hospital with and who i'm guessing is her niece.

"look who's starting to feel better :)" reads the caption and i aw and then call for the boys

"GUYS FAITH SENT US A SNAP" I yell to them. they jump up and i turn my phone around.

"is that her niece?" Brooklyn asks and i nod.

"AWW YAY" jack says after reading the caption.

"Ryes got a crushhh" Andy jokes and i glare at him.

"he so does, look he's gone all red" mikey laughs and i freeze. oh..

"shut up" i tell them and they all just laugh and go back to what they were previously doing, apart from brooklyn.

"let's film a musically" he whispers and i nod getting up. i know that's code for "have a talk".

we head go into the bathroom and shut door behind us. i sit on the edge of the bath and he sits on the floor in front me.

i- why? the floor?

"so..?" i question and he looks at me.

"you like her"

i just stare at him.

"you like faith" he grins widely and i shrug.

"OH MY GOD YOU DO?" he suddenly yells surprise and i shush him.

"no.. i don't know? maybe? a little? i don't know brooklyn i'm not sure what i feel" i say truthfully.

"well you'll figure it out soon i suppose" he grins and i roll my eyes.

"anyways i need to reply to the snap" i tell him, pulling my phone back out. let's hope that changed the subject.

"OOO GET ME IN GET ME IN" he says and i laugh before snapping the photo of us in the mirror and adding a caption.

"OOO GET ME IN GET ME IN" he says and i laugh before snapping the photo of us in the mirror and adding a caption

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i hit send and out my phone away. brooklyn looks at me.

"what?" i ask confused.

"you so like her" he says, grinning before heading back into the other room with the boys.

maybe he's right..

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