t h r e e

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A/N;; as you can probably tell by the cover, description and title, i have kind of changed this story a little bit.
basically, it will be the same story line, but it would make more sense if it was rye.. you'll have to keep reading to find out why hehe
but yeah i changed the title to "Lost" because well you'll see later too ;)

Friday 8th of December
10:30 am

Brooklyn's PoV;;

i'm woken to yells coming from jack and silly string being sprayed at my face. i sat up quickly and defended my face.

"AH JACK STOP" i groan and roll out of bed, running to the door to get away from him. Andy was quite literally on the floor laughing at this point, mikey too.

"what? you always prank me when i'm asleep" Jack laughs. i sigh.

"it's always rye's ideas though" i mumble.

"well Rye is still in a mood" he complains and i look over to see Rye laying in a ball on his bed, watching something on netflix, probably vampire diaries or game of thrones. but i decide to ask anyways.

"RYE WHAT CHA WATCHING" i yell, leaning against the bars of his bunk.

"shut up you elf" he groans.

"what you watching" i ask again and he glares at me. yeah he's definitely in a bad mood.

"vampire diaries" he mumbled and turns up the volume on his mac book. i shrug and back away from his bunk, deciding that it isn't the best time to talk. like usually now.

we don't know what's wrong with rye, but for the past week or so he's been acting really off lately and just not himself at all. we ask what's wrong but he doesn't seem to want to talk about it. he always yells at us when we ask. he's never really at the flat anymore either, he just seems to like being left alone at the minute which is, again, not like him at all.

he played football with mikey yesterday, but didn't talk, he just kicked the ball back and forth to him then i guess got bored and walked off towards the cut we use to get to asda. but i'm guessing asda was not where he was going.

i'm worried about him, and the fact that tour starts in a week. we announced it last night, late notice i know, but at least the roadies won't have to wait for long to meet us and for us to meet them.

i love meeting our fans and so does rye so hopefully it will cheer him up a bit. he's been active on social media still, as if nothing is different. but behind the screen we all know somethings up, just not the roadies.

i sigh and begin making a cup of tea for myself and the boys, apart from rye, he likes to make his own.

Rye's Pov

i wasn't watching vampire diaries at all. i was too lost in my own thoughts to pay attention. i don't know what's come over me.

well i do.. but i didn't think it would make me act the way i am. i already feel bad for getting mad at the boys every time they try to help me.

i just feel so lost.

all because of a girl. i'd been talking with her for around 2 months now and i finally got the guts to ask her out but she told me the same day she had a boyfriend and then later got mad at me for an unknown reason. she then posted a photo of herself with another guy. pissed me right off, mainly cause she could have told me she was seeing someone before we got so close AND that she wouldn't tell me why she was mad.

i shut off my mac book and climbed down the ladders, aware that i was being watched by both mikey and andy. jack and left to help brooklyn make tea. i stared straight ahead of me and headed to the front door, grabbing my trainers before i opened the door. i slipped them on and stepped into the hall, shutting the door behind me. i pulled my hood up and jogged down the stairs, still having no idea where i wanted to go.

i threw the door to our flat block open and walked down the path that was layered with frost. it was pretty cold lately but this is england we're talking about so nothing new. you could practically see my breath when i breathed out.

by now i had walked from the flat to the fence, or short cut, to asda. i hopped it pretty easily since i'm so used to doing that now.

i headed for the little wood id been going to for the past few days.

i like to be alone lately.

Lost ;; Rye BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now