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Faith's PoV

Saturday 9th of December

"HEY GURRRLL HEY" amara grins as i get into her car.

"hiii" i giggle, putting on my seat belt.

"SHOPPING MALL HERE WE SOME" she said in her fake american accent causing me to laugh.

"let me guess, you're gonna listen to harvey the whole way there?" i sigh and she nods and pulls out the estate onto the main road.

"obviously!" she smiles. i pull out my headphones and show them to her. she rolls her eyes but nods. i smile and put my headphones in, putting on my roadtrip playlist.

me and amara have a weird relationship. we're best friends, none stop talk, but when it comes to car journeys, we don't really talk at all.

i stare out the window at the cars going past on the motor way, it wasn't the nicest of days today. it was raining and only 4 degrees outside. the beginning of "stranger" began playing and i smiled, mostly cause whenever i now hear stranger, i think of Rye's reference he made when we first Dm'd each other.

it felt so surreal what had happened, and i'm surprised how well i've taken it. i honestly can't believe i haven't fully fan girled, i just smile and feel all happy inside. when Andy followed and messaged me on the band account this morning too, i somehow didn't fan girl, i just smiled and thought about how crazy and lucky i've been these past 2 days. only 2 days. wow..

i feel like i'm so close to Rye already it's insane.

speaking of rye.. my phone buzzes and it's him



i smile wide and type a reply, earning a funny look from Amara.


hey bored, how
are you? 😂x


sorry sorry🤷‍♀️

no fairrrr



fine by me😂


well, i'm confused as to
why you're so perky right
now but other than that
i'm in the car

am i?

shopppingggg in
Londonnn 😂


damn it if only i was too

now that would be

yeah, yeah i guess it

See you saturday ;)


yeah he did ❤️
i honestly can't wait

Me too :)

we have a tour date
a week later after
the London show
maybe we could
do something in
that weeek..?

maybe yeah x

have fun shopping
babe x

i hate shopping but
thanks😂 you too
Rye ❤️


i put my phone back in my pocket and continue looking out the window, until Amara nudges me, i look at her confused.

"who the heck were you texting" she questions.

"a friend" i shrug, she rolls her eyes.

"girl, you've never smiled or blushed that much in your god damn life! is this a guy" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"i mean.. yeah he's a guy.." i mumble.

"O M G. BOYFRIEND?" she squeals.

"NO! no. a friend" i say, she gives me a look.

"i ship it" she grins and i laugh. she is so much like brooklyn.

"you don't even know him" i giggle.

"tell me about him" she says pausing harveys song. damn she means business.

"well.. one night i was stalking twitter, i saw a tweet and replied to it. it was one of his tweets and then we just started dming.. and then he gave me his number" i say, not going into any detail at all.

"do i not get any details? where's he from? what does he look like? what is he like in general? does he have any fit friends i can maybe talk to?" she rambles and i laugh.

"he's really sweet, funny, a right goofball. he can be so adorable too.. he loves to sing, lives in England, near london, and yes he has quite good looking friends" i shrug, still not going into detail.

"cool, where abouts is 'near london' ?" she questions.

shit i hope she doesn't know where roadtrip live..

"Slough" i mumble.

"oh right never heard of it" she says and i smile to myself. she must not know much about them at all then.. lucky me.

"your boys did a cover of personal with harvey" she says and i choke on air.

"yeah yeah i saw" i nod.

"they're good, fit too" she adds and i just nod.

she's never made a comment on roadtrip until now.. shoot.

"WELL WERE HERE BABES!!" she squeals and climbs out the car. thank god,
that may have just saved me. i get out the car and follow her inside.

Rye's PoV

Saturday 9th of December

me and the boys got back from Westfield not too long ago. i guess it was fun, im beginning to realise how much i really missed them.

i haven't heard from Faith for about 2 hours now, i hope she's okay.

what am i saying of course she is, it's only been 2 hours. why do i want her to message me so much? okay Rye stop.

"JACK WHAT WAS THAT FORRR" Brooklyn yells and i look at them both.

They were having some sort of water fight and Jack just got brooklyn right in the face with A LOT of freezing cold water. i began to laugh, so did Mikey and Andy.

"you both are as bad as each other" Andy says through laughs. Brook glares at him.

"WHY CANT NOBODY TAKE MY SIDEEE" brooklyn wines before looking up at me, "Ryeeeee STRIKE TEAM?"

"Jack don't bully brook" i say sarcastically.

"YAY! THANK YOU" Brooklyn says jumping like a little kid.

Jack just looks at me and i roll my eyes. he obvious knows i was joking, somehow Brook didn't catch on.

"Can i watch whatever you're watching with you" Brooklyn asks, climbing into my bunk.

"i'm not watching anything, but i can put on a film?" i ask and he nods.

"thanks Rye, i missed you" Brooklyn says and i smile.

"me too buddy" i reply, clicking on a film.

"how faith?" he whispers.

"good i guess" i shrug yer smile at her name. he nods at my reply.

"i still ship it" he whispers and i don't reply,
i just stare at the screen blankly..

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