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Faith's PoV
wednesday 13th december

Last night. i smiled. i laughed. i talked. i was myself.
i felt happy.. even with what has been going on.
all because of Rye..

i was currently in my car, heading to the hospital. i was tired, stressed and a little scared.

i havent slept in a while, stressing is usually my thing and i'm scared incase Mia is worse that yesterday. i just hope she gets better.

i pull into the car park and head inside once i park.

"Hey Hazel" i say and stop at the counter, she smiled lightly at me.

"faith hi! how are you?" she asks me and i smile.

"i'm okay, i actually had an good night last night" i tell her and her eyes light up.

"that's good! does it involve someone? a guy maybe? that one you always seem to be talking to" she asks and my jaw drops.

"h-how did you know.." i ask.

"oh honey, i just know" she laughs and i blush.

"how's mia?" i ask and she looks at me with now sad eyes before looking away. i just frown and feel my eyes fill up with tears.

"i'm sorry Faith, she's still not doing well" she says taking my hand. i just nod.

"can i see her..?" i ask and she pauses.

"i'm so sorry, today Ashley has said its best not.." she tells me in a sad voice.

"it's okay.. i understand. will you tell mia i was here? please.. i told her yesterday i would be" i plead.

"of course honey"

"and that i love her so much" i add and i feel Hazel while away a tear that i didn't realise had fallen.

"faith, go home. gets some rest, eat, talk to that boy of yours. take your mind off things. i'll call you if anything happens i promise, just take care of yourself love" Hazel says and i nod.

"thank you" i reply and she smiles.

i turn away and head towards the door to my car. once i'm inside, i break down into tears.

go home, she said.
rest, she said.
eat. she said.
talk to that guy.. she said.

i pull out my phone, find Rye's contact and call him.

he picks up almost instantly..

"Hey faith..?" he questions, his voice quite raspy. crap i forgot it was like 9am and he doesn't usually wake up till 11.

"Rye-" i start, but that's all i find myself able to say.. i couldnt help it, i found myself crying even more.

"h-hey hey hey, what's wrong? what happened? faith breathe, calm down, in and out, okay?" he says soothingly and i do as he says.

"i'm sorry" i say after i calm myself down a little.

"hey its okay, what happened?" he asks.

"Mia just keeps getting worse and worse.. i'm not aloud to even see her anymore until they let me know. i'm scared Rye, she's hurting and i can't help her. i cant loose her Rye.." i tell him and there's a long pause.

Rye's PoV

i take in everything she says, thinking of an answer. hearing Faith cry literally broke me, hearing why she was crying.. god i cant imagine what she's going though and i wish i could just hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay..

"Faith.. i know it's hard. and i know it hurts. but you're strong, even if you don't think so. we need to have hope and stay positive, make as much memories as we can with her. she'll pull through this.. and remember, i'm here for you always.. you're not alone faith and you never will be" i finish, hoping it was good enough.

"Rye.. thank you" she says, "not just for that, but for helping me, stick in by me and making me happy. thank you for listening and for talking to me. thank you.. for everything".

"Faith.. i could say exactly the same thing about you" i tell her, "i can't wait for saturday"

"me too Rye" she says and i smile.

"soo.. what are you up to?" i ask her.

"well right now, i'm parked outside the hospital about to leave, talking to you" she tells me and i sort of frown. well that was a great way to get off a sad subject..

"aww.. are you going home?" i ask.

"yeah, i'll keep talking to you while i drive if you want" she says

"hands free thing?" i laugh.

"yup" she giggles,  "what are you up to?"

"well, i'm in blair's room still from last night" i say, "also sorry for falling asleep on facetime" i laugh and she joins me.

"it's okay, i could tell you were tired, and it was like 2am" she says, "and it was quite adorable" she adds and grin.

"you think i'm adorable babe?"

"dont even start with that beaumont" she states and i laugh.

"that's cute" i say and she stays silent. i'm really starting to love this. i begin to laugh again.

"i hate you so much" she says but laughs with me.

"no you don't you loveee me" i joke.

"okay okay fine you win" she groans and i smile.

"i've got to go now.. i'll text you in a bit?" i ask.

"and il probably reply" she says and i laugh.

"oh and faith?"


"love you too babe" i say and end the call.

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