t h i r t y f i v e

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Brooklyn's PoV
saturday 16th december

"THANK YOU LONDON HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS" the boys, harvey and i scream before heading off the stage.

"that was sick" Andy says after we head up the stairs to the box above the stage. he collapses on the sofa.

looks like Rye and Faith got away okay.. yeah i know about that. but i'm the only one.

"i know right" Mikey agrees sitting beside him. Jack collapses on the floor and i just stand awkwardly.

"wait.. where's rye?" harvey asked in a worried tone. Andy's head shoots up and looks around.

"i- i don't know.." Andy says confused.

"RYE?!" jack screams. no answer.. obviously.

"maybe he's in the bathroom.." i suggest, obviously being a lie.

"i'll go check" mikey says worriedly and rushes out towards the bathroom. Andy is giving me funny looks but i ignore them and look back to mikey as he comes back into the room.

"he- he's not there" Mikey says worriedly.

"what the hell.. where would he go?!" Harvey says.

"BOYS HURRY THE MEET AND GREET STARTS SOO- wheres Rye?!" Blair says storming into the room. we all stand awkwardly.

"boys. i said.. where's rye?" he says again, sternly.

"w-we don't know" Jack mumbles. the rest of us just nod keeping our heads down.

"well isn't that just great. ill ask the security if they've seen him" he spits and storms out the room.

"brooklyn" a voice says from behind. i turn to face andy.

"brooklyn wheres rye?" he says, almost as if he knows i know. which i sort of do..

"i- uhm-" i stutter, "he uh- he-told-me-to-tell-faith-to-go-to-darren-the-security-guard-because-he-needed-to-see-her-and-then-he-told-me-he-was-gonna-get-a-hotel-because-the-girl-who-ruined-him-is-here-and-he-couldn't-do-the-meet-and-greet-because-she-had-tickets-" i ramble quickly and Andys eyes go sad.

"what?!" mikey says.

"hang on, if he spoke to faith, all we need to do is find her-" Jack starts.

"no" i say and they all look at me.

"what do you mean no?" Andy says standing up. harvey seems to just stand really awkwardly beside us.

"we can't find faith because she's not here" i tell them and his eyes go wide.

"Rye took faith with him didn't he.." mikey says and i nod.

"is it bad i'm glad he's not here?" andy says and we all look at him rather weirdly.

"well isn't that nice-" jack starts

"NO! no.. i didn't mean that. i meant like.. he'll be able to clear his head and just have a break i think we all know he needs.." Andy says and we all nod.

"well the security say they haven't seen him so one of you better tell me where he is-" blair starts but i interrupt him.

"he's at a hotel." i say and he looks at me, "he needs this blair. he's not going through a good time at all. don't be mad at him. you should be worried for him and hoping he's okay. you've gave him a bit of rough time. let him have a little break okay? he needs this" i say and then stand there in shock. what did i just say-

the boys look at me surprised but stand by what i said.

"agreed" they all say and i smile a little. Blair looks at us all and then gives us a sort of agreeing nod.

"okay. i'll have to go tell the fans something then" he mutters and leaves.

"holy shit brooklyn grew a pair" Andy says, causing us all to laugh, even me.

"thanks Fovvs" i say.

"okay Roadies we have some bad news" we hear blair's voice come from below, "Rye unfortunately isn't feeling well at all and has sadly had to sit this meet and greet out. please don't be annoyed, right now we all need to be supportive and hope he's okay. hes very sorry to let you down.. but promises to make it up to you all. thank you. now, would you all like to meet the rest of the boys?" he finishes and they cheer. we all look at each other and grin before running down to the meet and greet.

screams erupt into the room.

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