t h i r t y f o u r

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(listen to the song if you want❤️)

Rye's PoV


"i don't think i've heard this song" i say, finding the song Faith had asked for and hitting play. we'd been in the car about 20 minutes now, just jamming out and talking.

"its one of my favourites" she says smiling yet still focused on the road. watching her drive was so cute for some reason. she concentrated so hard and just some of the expressions she made were adorable.

i listen to the lyrics of the song. it's pretty good.. i suddenly hear a quiet voice next to me and i look over to see Faith singing quietly to herself, i don't know if she realised she was singing along to it. i smiled and continued to listen.

the chorus came and her singing became louder. and damn she could sing.. i sit in silence, watching her, listening to her sing. i until she catches my eye and stops singing. she blushed.

"noo don't stop, it was good" i whine.

"only one person and now you has ever heard me sing" she shrugs. we come to a red light and stop. she looks over at me, "Mia and you".

i give her a small smile.

"thats cute, i feel honoured" i say and she laughs.

"faith i was being serious when i said it was good" i tell her and she just looks at me. the song was still playing, i hit pause, "i love that song.. now, i'm gonna play a song we'll both know, and we're gonna scream the lyrics and ignore the weird looks we get from other drivers, okay?" i state and she laughs before nodding.

the light turns green and faith goes back to watching the road. i scroll through my music library hitting play once i find the song.

"Rye you cannot be serious" she laughs and i smirk.

"I NEVER THOUGHT YOUD BELIEVE ME, IF I SAID I WAS INTO YOUUU BUT I AINT NEVER HAD THIS FEELING NOW I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW ITS TRUE" i scream and she laughs at me. i smile and wait for the next part, screaming that too.

"R-Rye stop i cant b-breathe" she says between laughs.

"okay okay, chorus together? properly?" i say and she agrees.


we both then start half singing half screaming the chorus to Tokyo hotel until we end up in stitches laughing.

"i thought we were gonna sing it properly" she says after about laughing with me for 2 minutes straight.

"well apparently we don't know the meaning of properly" i say and she nods.

"you hungry? mcdonalds is close by" she asks and i nod.

"starving" i tell her.

"right then, mcdonald's it is" she says, turning to get off the motor way and into the cut to mcdonald's.

"drive thru or sit in?" she asks.

"drive thru?" i say and she nods, pulling up beside it, rolling down the window.

"hello what can i get you?" a male voice says through the speaker.


"how about we get a box of 20 chicken nuggets and some chips to share?" i ask and she just laughs.

"alright then, a box of 20 chicken nuggets, chips and 2 teas?" she says and i nod. this girl is my new best friend.

"is that all?" the voice says.

"yes thank you" she replies and drives to the next window to pay.

"£6.43 please" says the worker.

"IM PAYING" i yell before she can even say anything.

"no it's fine-"

"no- i'm paying" i say and stretch over putting my card in the machine before she can argue.

i smile and she looks straight ahead.

"it's just mcdonald's faith" i laugh and she see she's trying not to smile. i lean and rest my head on her shoulder, "faaaiiithhhh"

"alright fine" she laughs, "stop being cute-"

i sit up straight, "am i cute faith?" i tease her she rolls her eyes but i can see her blushing.

"shut up" she mumbles as we pull up to the next window.

"that's cute" i say as the worker brings us our order. faith takes the bag, passing it to me and then takes the drinks, putting them on her lap. i take them out and put them in the cup holders.

"thank you" she says to the worker and leaves mcdonalds, driving back into the motor way.

"i am STAAARERVINGGG" i whine causing her to laugh.

"eat your food beaumont" she tells me and i smile opening the bag, taking out the box of chicken nuggets.

"10 each?" i say and she shakes her head. oh

"eat as much as you want i'm not that hungry" she shrugs. i frown, thinking back to our first conversation we ever had on twitter.

throughout my life i've suffered from depression, anxiety and eating disorders. mostly caused by neglect, emotional harassment and physical too from my dad.
i don't really eat but that's mostly cause i'm never a hungry person anyways and i still have thoughts about myself that aren't the best..

those words.. never left my head. they always stayed in my mind.

"are you sure faith..?" i ask. she nods and stays quiet.

"faaiithhh" i frown.

"Rye i'm okay, i'm just not hungry" she says, not looking away from the road, "just eat what you want". i sigh and open the box and just start eating slowly.

"i never forgot what you told me" i mumble, that causes her to look at me for a few seconds and then back at the road.

"Rye, i promise it's not that, i'm genuinely not that hungry," she mumbles.

"if you say so.." i say. she looks at me, sighs and then takes one from the box, eating it.

"happy?" she asks with a small smile. i nod and smile back, playing another song.

i worry too much

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