t w e n t y t h r e e

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A/N- i swear i write too much from Rye's PoV, but sometimes it's more interesting 🤷‍♀️ there's a lot to him y'all still don't know about ;)

Rye's PoV
Thursday 14th december

i'd left mcdonald's and decided to head up to the little woodland area id been going. i don't know how i found the place in the first place, i guess i just stumbled across it one day.

it's peaceful and i like it. it's the one place i can be alone and know no one will find me. ive been coming here for months and staying for hours basically every day. nobody ever came close to it.


i'd been here 6 hours now. i somehow never get bored of it. just climbing trees, trying out new tricks and flips, it's fun and sort of freeing i guess. it helps clear my head.

i've been getting better, i think anyways. last night was the most i've laughed and smiled since everything that happened. The night Faith facetimed me, i felt genuine happiness. the night we first texted.. i felt like i wasn't alone.

yet i still somehow find myself thinking about all the negativity, and i can't help it. i want to be happy, and i can be. but it just doesn't seem to last. i forget about the bad but then it just comes flooding back..

it has only been a week since i've started pr properly trying to get back to my old self though. and i guess it's going well.

i'm supposed to talk to the boys about what has being going on when i get back, so i'm sort of.. procrastinating? delaying? something like that.

but 6 hours.. that's a long time to be gone. and the boys haven't messaged me, but i guess that's cause Mikey must have told them that i sometimes just have to be alone. which is why he suggested i stay in Blair's room last night instead of with them if i wanted to be alone..

i pull my hood up shove my hands in my pockets, moving out from the shelter of the trees and back into the open, heading down the now wet path, back towards Asda.

i hop the fence and make my way over towards the park and stop in my tracks.

i don't think i'm ready to talk.

am i?

i don't know..

"uugghh whyy" i groan and take a seat on the swing, putting my head in my hands. maybe i'll just stay out here for a bit..

"are you following me?" a feminine voice says from behind me and i shoot up and spin around to face where it came from.

"excuse me?" i ask confused and then take in her features. shit it's megan from earlier, "uughh you again" i say.

"you're quite rude you know" she says taking a seat on the swing next to the one i was previously sat on.

"have you been following me?" i ask, well.. spit more like. she shrugs.

"you lied to me, you never met your girlfriend" she says rather smugly.

"so you have been following me?" i laugh, yikes this just got sad.

"i knew you were lying in mcdonald's too" she says and i look at her.

"oh yeah?" i try her. even tho she's right.

"Rye Beaumont" she states and my eyes go wide.

"you know my name?"

"of course i bloody know your name, my little sister is obsessed with you and your band" she tells me and i sort of smile at that.

"your sisters a roadie? that's cute" i say, meaning it. i love the roadies.

"yeah, she loves you. me however can't see why" she says bluntly.

"well you did flirt with me and i wasn't in the mood at all for that" i say, sitting back on the swing.

"i didn't realise who you were at first until i went to leave to go home. so i say with you but well yeah i don't know why i still acted the way i did" she says.

"you were a bit of a bitch no offence" i say and she laughs.

"and you lied about having a girlfriend, and don't try to tell me you do cause my sister never shuts up about you all" she says.

"well.. it was a girl i was texting" i shrug, "and i kinda just wanted to try and make you leave"

"that's nice of you"

"you were being a little irritating" i say bluntly. what the hell is wrong with me.

"you love that girl don't you, the one you were texting" she says and my head snaps towards her.

"she's a friend"

"well you obviously don't like her as a friend. you said you were texting your girlfriend, you weren't you were texting her, when i said you could do much better than her, you snapped and defended her in a way that i actually believed for a minute you may have a girlfriend.." she tells me, "also don't be such a dick all the time, lighten up a bit"

"it's hard to explain, and sorry i cant help it" i mumble. was she right?

"i can tell something is bothering you, you goo-"

"stop, just don't okay?" i almost shout and she rolls her eyes.

"you're lucky you're hot"

i roll my eyes at her

"do me a favour? and leave? you're not helping at all" i say, still in the same tone as before.

"sure, also i don't have a sister" she says and i just look at her confused.

"why the hell did you tell me you did then?" i ask.

"cause you asked how i knew you and i didn't want to say how so i lied" she shrugs.

"oh just fucking tell me" i say, now pissed off. 

"i bet you miss Amara" she says with a smirk before leaving.

and then it hits me.


i stand there and clench my fists.

she ruined me.

she ruined my life.


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