t h i r t y e i g h t

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Rye's PoV


after a while, the film finishes and i turn off the TV. it was now around 10:30pm. id barely focused on watching it the whole time it was playing.

instead i sort of just sit there smiling down at Faith. she had fallen asleep 20 minutes into the film and had been fast asleep on my lap since, my hand still in hers.

she was adorable.. i still couldn't believe we'd finally met. it feels like ive known her forever but in reality, its only been a week. yeah, shes obviously known me longer, but not like this.

i smile down at her, she's still asleep, but then, she begins to fidget.. maybe its a bad dream..?

"faithhhh" i whisper and she begins to fidgit more.

"faiiiiitthhh" i say again and her eyes open.

"Hmm- wait what?!" she says sitting up, looking around rather startled but and then looks at me.

"you fell asleep.. around an hour and a half ago.." i tell her.

"i did? thats a first" she laughs and my heart sort of drops.

"you tired?" i ask, shrugging off the thought. i seem to remember everything she told me.. first the eating habits now the trouble sleeping.

"a little i guess" she shrugs. i smile standing up.

"wha-" she starts but i just pick her up, "Rye what are you doing" she laughs as i carry her to her room.

"carrying you to bed" i say and she just smiles.

"i can walk you know.." she jokes and i laugh, pushing open the door to her room.

"well you said you were tired and- i don't know- felt like it?" i say, sitting down on her bed with her on my lap.

"o-okay?" she stutters with a sudden blush.

"Faith are you okay?" i ask, trying not to grin. i made her nervous again.. im a right dick i know.

"yeah f-fine" she just sort of looks at me. i lie back against the pillows, Faith now by my side, her head resting on my chest.

"do you want me to stay with you?" i ask and she nods. i smile lightly then frown, "before.. was it a- um- bad dream..?" i ask and she nods slowly.

"kind of" she says.

"do you want to talk about it?" i ask and she shakes her head.

"not right now.." she says quietly, rolling onto her side so her back is to me. i frown.

"Faith.. its okay" i say, resting my chin on her shoulder, "Do you want me to go? ill sleep on the sofa-"

"no.. dont leave.." she mumbles. i pause.. thinking for a second.

"okay.. then i wont" i say, wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her into my chest. she sort of stiffens at first towards my actions but soon relaxes. God knows why nothing we did felt awkward.. it just felt comfortable. we were ourselves around each other. i was anyways.. i knew there was still things i didnt know about Faith.

"thank you.." she says and i feel her hand take mine. i smile to myself.

"for what..?" i ask and she pauses.

"just.. everything. being here, helping me, talking to me, i could go on.. but you know pretty much it all.. just thank you everything Rye, for being you, for trusting me and letting me trust you. for making me happy, giving me advice, and i guess, for understanding me and accepting who i am" she says.

"you dont need to thank me, i did all that cause i wanted to" i tell her, "and thank you too Faith, you know mostly about what for".

"mostly?" she asks, rolling over so were now facing each other.

"you've helped me through a rough time, you were there for me to open up to, to talk to, you understood me and never judged me whatsoever. you've practically supported me since day one.. yes i may have stalked your twitter one day but thats not the point- Faith, you came into my life when i was at my worst and made it better. yeah, im still not fully better, but im getting there. you've also changed me, in a good way. im still an idiot and shit but, im more careful with what i do. i think about things in a lot more depth. i seem to notice little things i didnt before, and ive somehow become more, i guess you could say, thankful for those little things, Mikey pointed that out to me the other day. you accepted who i am, trusted me and allowed me to be able to trust you.. thank you for everything Faith, you're amazing, and i hope one day you can see that for yourself" i finish.

i look up at her and see she's almost crying. shit did i say to much? but then, she hugs me, tightly, and my arms wrap around her, hugging her back. she pulls away and smiles up at me before rolling back over, but still staying close. i wrap my arm around her waist again, my head buried into her neck.

"i love you Rye" she says quietly. i smile wide.

"i love you too.." i tell her and that was the truth, "Goodnight babe" i add, kissing her shoulder. i swear i need to stop with that nickname, but i can't help it.

"goodnight.." she whispers and i smile, letting my eyes close.

A/N- if Brooklyn (in this story) knew about this.. he would currently be screaming at the top of his lungs- MY SHIP IS SAILING. I WAS RIGHT SINCE THE DAY I KNEW SHE EXISTED. RAITH FOR LIFE, I CALLED IT, FU ALL.

yeah- brooklyn is me right now.


no seriously, i wrote this at 1am and im gonna be writing a lot tomorrow- well technically later today, oops.

i hope you're happy, i could be asleep rn -_-


anyways, ily all x


(Lmao no one probably read that- OH WELL)

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