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Faith's PoV


"i'll go out and buy some snacks for tonight?" Rye asks me with a smile.

"should i go with you?"

"it's okay! i'll be back" he says, rushing towards the door. god knows what he's up to.

i laugh as he tries to open the door.

"it's pull not push" i giggle and he looks at me.

"oh- OOPS" he laughs, opening the door, "see you sooon babe" he calls and i smile.

"see you" i say as he shuts the door. i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

we kissed.. 3 times now? what-

and now we're having a date night..?

is this real? crap why am i suddenly so nervous. and i can't even call Amara to ask for advice.. not that i'm complaining. she's always been a little bitchy but i never had the guts to say anything.

i pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts. my eyes land on one.

"elf on the shelf"

brooklyn. i saved his contact as that cause
1. he's an elf
2. elf on the shelf is evil

i hit facetime and he soon picks up looking very surprised.

"what did i do- what happened- im sorry for whatever i did" he says rushed causing me to laugh.

"nothing, nothing happened, you didn't do anything" i tell him and he sighs with relief.

"then HELLO WHATS UP" he calls. i hear jack or andy groan in the background.

"can i talk to you? just you" i ask and he looks at me confused before standing up and heading out the flat.

"what's wrong?! are you okay? is rye okay?" brooklyn asks.

"everything's fine" i tell him.


"Rye kissed me" i blurt and his eyes go wide.

"OH MY GOD I CALLED IT" he yells

"broookkk" i whine.

"sorry sorry, okay uh, wait what's the problem? don't you like each other..?" he says looking rather excited, confused and now suddenly worried.

"he um also asked me on a date" i say and brooklyn begins to smile wide.

"it's finally happeniiiinnnnggg" he says excitedly.

"i'm sort of terrified" i say and his face drops.

"what why?"

"first off, never been on one before" i tell him and he nods, "second, a lot just happened"

"a lot?" he asks.

"Rye met mia today-"

"OH MY GOD AWW! wait- IS SHE OKAY?" he rambles and i smile.

"yes she's okay" i tell him, "but then Rye found out something else which he wasn't supposed to.. and then um"

"you don't have to tell me what he found out, if you don't want to" he says

"thank you.. but when the got back from the hospital.. please don't hate me i had no idea.. my best friend- well now ex best friend- was here.." i pause, "Amara" i say and his eyes go wide.

"WHAT?!" he asks, sounding rather annoyed.

"brook i swear i had no idea, Rye never told me the name of the girl, Amara and i aren't really that close for 'best friends'.. she never tells me things like that, i had no idea i swear-"

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