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Hola guys, I'm back. Ignore my last post; I decided not to let anyone else's actions affect me or my readers. This chapter is really short, and a filler, but I needed to kick start the story somehow. I'll progress faster from the next chappy, hopefully.

Everyone settled around the large dining table kept praising Shivaay on his culinary skills and the delicious Aloo Puri he had made, save the person he most wanted to hear from. While he was busy glancing at her every other second to gauge her reaction, she was busy gobbling up her food, oblivious of his staring. Shivaay tried finding solace in the fact that she had loved the food too much to pay attention to anything else, but still yearned to hear some compliment from her.

"Really, Shivaay," Tej said while licking his fingers shamelessly, a picture wholly different than what he would present to the outside world, "This is delicious. You should really think of opening a restaurant chain and serve your recipes there. I'm sure it'll be very profitable."

Shivaay only barely listened. His entire focus was on a certain woman who had now finished with her food, and had started talking animatedly with Dadi who was sat beside her. He wanted to tear off his hair in frustration. If she would only so much as look  at him...

"I should leave now, Dadi," Annika said while getting up from her chair, "Sahil is home alone, and I need to make him do his homework too. He'll never do it otherwise," She added with a smile.

"Okay, puttar," Dadi said with a warm smile, "Come by again tomorrow, alright?"

Annika nodded, and waving a goodbye to everyone in general, was about to leave, when Pinky came to Shivaay's rescue.

"Areh, Annika, waits no. Shivaay will drop you home."

Sighing in relief and thanking the Gods above, and also his mother, Shivaay followed Annika out the front door, leaving her no chance to refuse. As soon as they were out of eyesight and earshot of everyone, he turned to her.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked her with a frown, making Annika furrow her brows in confusion.


"Why didn't you say anything about the food?"

Annika was beyond confused now.

"Billuji, will you please talk straight instead of asking random questions?"

Shivaay took a deep breath. This woman would really be the death of him someday.

"Did you like the Aloo Puri?" He asked her calmly.

"Yes, it was khidkitod!" Annika happily exclaimed, making Shivaay heart jump in delight.

"Then why didn't you say anything? While everyone else was complimenting me, you were too busy eating!"

Annika took offense at that.

"Oh hello, mister, food is meant to be eaten, FYI. And why are you so eager for hearing praises anyway? You just said everyone else was complimenting your skills, then why the need to hear from me too?" She asked, hands on hips.

"Because I had made your favorite food!" Shivaay blurted out. "And for you, exclusively. So obviously I would want to hear praises from you." He added the last bit softly, pouting a little. Annika's heart melted at the sight, and she giggled.

"Aww, you're too cute, Billuji," She said, coming forward to pull his cheeks. Shivaay shrugged off her hands, annoyed.

"Don't call me that! And I'm not cute, alright?" He said haughtily.

"Then what are you, pray tell?" She asked, biting her lip to hide a smile.

Shivaay smirked, and pulled her closer by the waist, earning a gasp from her.

"I'm hot," he whispered into her ear, the proximity making her shiver slightly.

"W-what are you doing? Anyone might see us," Annika struggled to get out of his grasp, but to no avail.

"I don't care," Shivaay replied huskily. "You're my girlfriend," he added with a smirk.

"Pretend girlfriend," Annika corrected him. "Billuji leave me, I really need to go home!"

Shivaay sighed, but loosened his grasp nonetheless.

"Will you ever stop calling me Billuji?" He asked as they got into his car.

"Maybe, maybe not," Annika replied cheekily, making him shake his head.

"You can't call me Billuji in front of the media or other people, you know. Not really an apt nickname for your boyfriend." He said while starting the car.

"Who says? And anyway, we'll cross that bridge when we get there." 

Shivaay rolled his eyes at that. Getting this woman to do anything she didn't want to do was quite impossible.

As they reached her house, Shivaay parked the car and turned to look at her.

"I'll see you tommorow?"

Annika nodded. 

"Shall I come to pick you up?"

"Don't you have office to go to mister?" Annika asked him teasingly. Shivaay laughed.

 "Priorities, love," Shivaay winked at her.Annika blushed, both at his answer and the name he had called her. Shehurriedly got out of the car, but before closing the door, she turned to himonce again. 

"By the way, the Aloo Puri you made was the best I've ever had, Shivaay." She winked at him and walked away to her house, leaving his mouth hanging open.

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