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Oh wow, 50 chapters already, eh? Can't believe we've come so far with this story, and I can't thank y'all enough for giving it so much love


Annika was currently hooked on a show on netflix, and had been binge watching it on her brand new Macbook for the past couple of hours. She knew it wasn't really the best use of such an expensive device, but she couldn't help it. Her entire life, she had barely been able to indulge in such small, worldly pleasures, so she was willing to be selfish for once. Moreover, the day had been hectic, as usual, with all the extravagant planning for the wedding going on, so this was a good way to relax. Leaning against the headrest of her bed, she munched on some popcorn and watched on with concentration, which was soon broken by the ring of her phone. Without looking at the caller ID, she picked up.


"Hey to you too, love," Shivaay's voice came from the other side, accompanied by a chuckle, and Annika bit her tongue.

"Hey hi, sorry. What's up?" She asked, pausing the show so as to not to miss any second of it.

"All good. What about you? You realize we haven't talked the whole day today, right?"

She had, of course, which is why she had been feeling quite forlorn today. She had been busy with all the arrangements of the engagement party, which would take place in just two days, along with the sagai ceremony. There had been lots to do, such as help the family select engagement rings- which, due to Jhanvi aunty's choosy nature, had been quite a task- but still, Annika had missed Shivaay. His usual texts and calls had been missing because he had a lot of meetings, since he was clearing up his schedule for the wedding. Now that they were finally talking, Annika had a very radiant smile on her face.

"Really? I hadn't noticed," She said, deciding to tease him. She could almost feel him rolling his eyes on the other side.

"Yeah, yeah, sure you didn't. I can't be the only one feeling this tanhaai now, can I?" He asked, and she giggled. "Anyway," he continued, "What are you up to?"

"Oh, just watching this show on netflix. It's so good, Shivaay! Not to mention, Rafael is so hot-"

"Wait, what? Who the hell is Rafael?" He asked, envy clear in his voice, and Annika had to bite her lip to hide suppress a laugh.

"Rafael, Shivaay. The male protagonist of Jane the Virgin? And not to mention, the hottest guy on this planet."

"Oh, so he's a fictional character," Shivaay said, like it gave him some assurance.

"Well, the character is fictional, but the actor is real, right? And he is decidedly the most handsome guy on this-"

"Okay enough already, Annika," He said, annoyed. "Everyone looks good on TV, okay? With all that make-up and everything."

"But I've stalked him on Instagram too, Shivaay!" Annika protested, and she heard him take deep, calming breaths.

"Social media can be deceptive, I'll have you know. And anyway, why are we talking about him? We haven't talked the whole day, Annika. We should be focusing on each other."

Laughing silently at his adorableness, Annika snuggled up more comfortably against her pillows. 

"Fine, if you insist. I was just stating the truth."

Again, Shivaay took a few deep breaths, as if it was taking everything in him to not throw the phone and smash it against the wall. 

"Well you see," he started in a calm voice, "the matter of outward beauty if subjective and-"

"I thought we weren't gonna talk about him?" Annika asked, pressing her lips to hide a smile.

"Oh, yeah, of course," Shivaay fumbled with his words, taken aback. Clearing his throat, he continued, "So, anyway..."

And after not having talked the entire day, they got into a long conversation, sharing every minuscule detail of what they had been up to since morning.



Barging into Shivaay's room, Rudra announced his entry loudly, spreading his arms wide in the hope that Shivaay would engulf him in a hug, but to no avail- Shivaay was busy talking on his phone, and hadn't seemed to have even noticed his intruder. Pouting sadly, Rudra moved towards where Shivaay lay on his stomach on the bed. The way he was smiling with a tinge of pink on his cheeks, and running a hand through his usually perfect hair constantly, Rudra didn't have to guess who it was on the other side of the line. Smiling, he flopped down beside his brother. 

"Who are you talking to?" He asked mischievously, and that was when Shivaay noticed him.

"Annika," he replied simply.

"What are you guys talking about?" 

Shivaay frowned at him, before muttering a "Nothing, just leave."

"Haww, bhaiya," Rudra exclaimed dramatically, "You're asking your chotu sa brother to leave?" Then leaning closer to the phone, he yelled, "Dekho na Annika didi, bhaiya is being so mean!"

Annika said something from the other side which Rudra couldn't quite catch, but judging by Shivaay's scowl, he guessed that Annika was probably scolding him. When he turned to glare at Rudra, the younger man grinned boyishly.

"Here, she wants to talk to you," Shivaay muttered jealously, passing his phone to Rudra, who took it happily. 

"Hi didi!" 

A few minutes passed, but Rudra and Annika's conversation didn't seem to be ending. They seemed to go on laughing and talking together while Shivaay not-so-patiently watched on. Tapping his fingers against his knee, he asked Rudra for his phone back, for the umpteenth time.

"Areh ruko na, bhaiya," Rudra said while scooting away, to keep the phone out of Shivaay's reach, "We're talking about something important." Turning to the phone, he continued, "Anyway didi, how far did you watch of the show?"

"Yeah, such an important discussion," Shivaay muttered under his breath. Standing up, he gulped down the glass of water kept beside his bed. As it was, not seeing Annika the whole day had him going through some kind of withdrawal symptoms, and now he wasn't being able to talk to her peacefully, either. The entire day, he had been overly annoyed by everything and everyone, something that all his employees agreed they barely saw in him these days. On top of that, there had been this slight throbbing of his forehead, that had refused to leave even after swallowing two aspirins but had disappeared the minute he had heard Annika's voice after a long, tiring day. Seeing as it was on the verge of returning, he walked over to where Rudra was and snatched the phone from his hand quite suddenly, taking him by surprise.

"Done?" He asked, one eyebrow raised. Rudra was about to retaliate saying they weren't done, but shut his mouth abruptly seeing Shivaay's stern glare. Gulping and hurriedly getting off from the bed, he started making his way out. Before leaving, however, he smiled, and started humming a song that seemed to describe Shivaay's situation very aptly-

Jis din tujhko na dekhun

Pagal pagal phirta hoon...

Shivaay, however, was once again too lost in his woman to hear.


I figured you all loved these filler chapters, and honestly I love writing them too, so here you go. It's short- but sweet, I'm hoping? ;) Next update will be longer, hopefully! 💕

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