Author's Note (Important!)

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Hey guys!

Firstly, before anything else, I would like to thank ALL of you, who has been a reader of this book. When I first started off with this, I was very disinterested, but then the response kept on improving and now, I am SO glad I decided to continue with this. It's one of the best things to happen to me, so far. All the love, the appreciation I got for this, the amazing people I've met through this- it's overwhelming. It helped me grow as a writer, and will always mean so much to me.

Now, you all must be wondering why I'm being so sentimental all of a sudden. It's because, The Dating Charade just had a phase end. I mean, the charade is over, after all these chapters. I cannot emphasize enough on how much fun I had writing about this 'fake relationship'. In fact, now that they're actually dating, I don't know what to write!

Anyway, coming to the main thing I wanted to talk about-

I will be ending this book, soon.

Now, before anyone gets upset- don't worry. I'll continue with the story, but on another, new book. The reason being, this book is called The Dating Charade for a reason- it was meant to contain the charade part, only. I know starting a new book will not get me the same response as this, but I'm willing to start over again and see how far I can get.

I'll end this book when their Bali trip ends, which will take a few more chapters, and will start the new book from where this one ends- maybe with a one-month lapse As I've mentioned before, I start college this month, and moving to another country and settling into hostel will take up a lot of time. Updates won't be frequent, naturally. But I really hope you guys will like the new book as much as this one!

Coming to the last thing, I don't know what I should name the new book :P
'The Dating Charade- Aftermath'? Do let me know!

I love you all so much! 


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