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Krishi and Kripa threatened me that they wouldn't update today if I didn't too, so there goes.

Where are YOUR updates, guys?:) BlackManiacx silver_dustXX


Annika stood in front of Shivaay's dressing table, running her hands through her damp hair in order to dry them. After the grueling dance practice, she had desperately needed a shower and a change of clothes, since her white cotton top had gotten plastered against her skin with sweat. Shivaay had of course offered her his room to freshen up, and she had agreed because everyone else was too busy to notice, and Shivaay's washroom was aesthetic to her, with it's white and blue decor, fancy sink, large bathtub, and what not. Not to mention, the washroom like smelled quite like Shivaay, so Annika had been able to take what was probably the longest and most relaxing bath of her life. Currently, humming a song while massaging the roots of her hair, she felt regenerated, and seeing as she had so much work ahead of her, this really helped.

As Shivaay entered the room, talking on his bluetooth, Annika turned around to face him. Somehow, using his room like it was hers made her feel a strange sort of...intimacy with him, and she blushed at the thought. If he found out she was thinking these cheapdi thoughts, he would never let her live it down.

"...I've finalized the deal with the Japanese, so make sure you send me reports of all their previous-"

Shivaay stopped abruptly, because as he looked up, he was met with the incredibly tempting sight of his girlfriend, in a bell-sleeved, off-the-shoulder yellow dress that ended on her mid-thighs. It was floral-printed and slightly over-sized, and the colour stood out against her dusky skin. Her slightly damp hair and pink cheeks only added to the look, and to Shivaay, she appeared to be someone who had been sent to earth for the sole purpose of testing every fibre of his control.

Trying not to ogle at her legs that seemed to go on for miles, especially since she was bare feet, Shivaay hung up the call even as Mishra talked away on the other side, and approached her in long strides

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Trying not to ogle at her legs that seemed to go on for miles, especially since she was bare feet, Shivaay hung up the call even as Mishra talked away on the other side, and approached her in long strides. She looked irresistible and because he was a man who was insanely attracted to her, he had to do something. At least, be as close to her as he was allowed to. (How ironical, though, that despite being her boyfriend, he couldn't just wrap her around his arms and mark that porcelain skin of her slender neck, like he so wanted to.)

Approaching her, he casually snaked his arms around her petite waist, catching her by surprise since she seemed to have been engrossed in her own thoughts. But since she was starting to get uninhibited with him, too, she trailed her arms across his manly chest (making him feel all sorts of tingling sensations) and crossed them around his neck.

"Someone looks flawless," He said softly, looking deeply into her eyes. She smiled shyly, her face glowing.

"Why, thankyou," She replied. "Isn't the dress lovely? I wonder why Priyanka never wears them."

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