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Guys, I'm really sorry but I won't be able to update frequently from now on. My boards are super close, and I also have only 6 days left of school life, which is keeping me super busy. Please do understand! Pakka promise, after exams I'll spam you all with Shivika stories 🤗

Instead of a QOTD today, I'll give you the chance to ask me anything about myself, and I'll answer honestly! (Don't ask me for story spoilers though!)


It was around 11 at night when Shivaay and Annika landed in Mumbai, and Annika fell asleep on the way back home in his car. He had his protective arm around her as she snuggled against him, sleeping without a care in the world because, after all, he was there with her. As they reached outside her house, Shivaay didn't have the heart to wake her up. She looked so adorable, leaning against his shoulder with mouth slightly open. He had to urge himself to not stare at her mouth for too long, but it wasn't possible. As it was, that sassy mouth of hers had always attracted him, and so close, they looked plumper than usual. He absentmindedly licked his own lower lip, staring at her angelic face and those pouty lips of hers at leisure. Even before he had acknowledged his attraction for her, back when he was engaged to Tia and she was his wedding planner, he had found his gaze transfixed on her mouth quite a few times, even as she went on taunting him or fighting with him using that weird language of hers. There was something about the way she spoke, the way her lips pursed as every word slipped out of them flawlessly. 

Currently, Shivaay was having this irresistible urge to fulfil one of his many fantasies about her, and taste her lips for once. Maybe just a peck, so that this insane desire didn't end up killing him. Just a brush of his lips against hers, stolen in time and to be stored away in his memory to get him through any difficult day that may ever come. Something about this time of the night, the privacy they had since Khanna had left the driver's seat and was standing a few feet away from the car, the gentle breeze playing outside, or maybe the fact that she had today, for the first time, acknowledged him as her boyfriend of her own accord, had Shivaay feeling braver and more reckless than he had ever felt, in his 29 years of careful and calculated life. So, leaning in, he rested his forehead against hers. He knew she wouldn't wake up, being the kumbhkaran she was. Slight acceleration of his already racing heartbeat, and the tips of their noses were touching. And then, one look at her beautiful face whose each and every freckle he could now see, he gathered all the Oberoi courage he had in him, and touched her lips with his.

It was over in a second, maybe because of the electrifying spark he had felt which had made him tremble to the core, or maybe the taste of her he had gotten in that speck of a moment was too much for him to handle, too pure and at the same time a delicious kind of sinful. But whatever it was, Shivaay Singh Oberoi could proudly tell you, as dazed as he looked right now, that he had just lived the best moment in his life. One he would secretly keep in his heart that was slowly being taken over by the woman he was sleeping in arms, unaware of the storm she was creating in every sense of his.


"Shivaay, my man, it's been so long!"

As Shivaay descended down the stairs the next morning, he was engulfed in a hug by his old friend, whose arrival had completely slipped his mind yesterday. One couldn't blame him, though, because after that stolen kiss- if it could be called that- last night, that was all he thought about. The scene, as short lived as it had been, kept replaying itself in his head and making him smile like crazy. He knew if his brothers saw him mindlessly smiling, they would definitely know something was up, so he would have to try hard to not think about it in front of them. How could he not, though? He had barely gotten any sleep last night because of his heart that was beating like mad. He had never done anything so impulsive, so reckless, but to be honest, there wasn't a hint of guilt or remorse in him. He knew it was probably wrong to have stolen Annika's first kiss without her consent, but he was proud of the fact rather than sorry. 

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