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This is quite short, unlike the chapters I've been updating recently, and only deals with the Oberoi family's reaction. The next chapter will have Shivika only so I hope that'll make up for it! I'll try to have it up tomorrow, but no promises 😶

Also, a HUGE thankyou for all the birthday love


What happened next was something Annika hadn't been prepared for. After his blatant claim in front of Rohit, Shivaay had led her towards the party, hand still around her waist as she was too dumbfounded to say anything else, and a hoard of cameramen had surrounded them seeing them together. They had their eyes on Shivaay from the beginning, after all, and now seeing him emerge from a secluded spot with a beautiful lady on his arms who most even knew as being his love interest, they all but pounced on him for information.

"Mr. Oberoi, who is she?" A reported from the new media house Tej had warned them about had asked, "What relation do you have with her?"

Shivaay had, in his mildly drunk state, smiled at the reporter while showing Annika off.

"This, my fellow, is Annika. The beautiful event planner of this party, and my very own girlfriend."

The next few minutes that had gone by had been a haze to Annika, as she had been too shocked and enraged to notice much of anything. Cameras had kept on flashing, taking a good many pictures of her and Shivaay, and reporters had been unstoppable with their questioning. She hadn't been able to deny Shivaay's claim either, since it would tarnish the Oberois' reputation, and that was what she had set out to make right in the first place. All she had been able to do was stare at Shivaay with moistened eyes, unable to believe that he had done exactly what she had asked him not to, that he had broken his promise. Once the initial excitement amongst the media had subsided and they had gotten enough shots and masala for tomorrows breaking news, they had scurried away, happy that this time no amount of bribery could deter them from unleashing what would be the news of the month. As soon as they left, a very furious Oberoi family approached Shivaay and Annika.

"What the hell was that, Shivaay?" The usually calm Shakti asked his son with fiery eyes, "Why the hell did you do that?"

Shivaay was still very calm about the whole thing, as if the reality of it all hadn't hit him yet. He shrugged nonchalantly.

"What? I was just introducing my girlfriend to the world." He said, earning shocked looks from everyone. In all this, Annika had tears running down her cheeks that she hastily rubbed away.

"Annika, beta," Dadi started, her voice plagued with guilt, "You don't worry. I'm sure Shakti and Tej will be able to do something..." She trailed off, and Annika knew it was all useless now. She shook her head, swallowed the lump in her throat, and throwing a last disgusted look towards Shivaay, all but ran away from there, her expensive dress now bunched and wrinkled as she held the skirt.

"Annika, let me drop you-" Om started, but Jhanvi held him back.

"She needs to be alone, let her be." She said, looking after the girl with a sad expression, and Om nodded. He mentally cursed himself for not keeping an eye on his brother like he had thought he would, having gotten distracted talking about art with another guest.

"We should go home," Tej said, looking towards Shivaay pointedly, indicating that they had a lot to talk about when they got home. The one thing Annika had asked of them in return of helping them so much, had been for her name to not be revealed, and they had failed in even that. Everyone nodded, having receded into a terrible mood, and moved to leave. However, before they could, Rohit emerged from where he had been previously, a forlorn expression on his face. Seeing him, Shivaay tried to hide his smug smile, finally having showed the guy who Annika belonged to.

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