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Rohit had only spent a mere half hour with Annika but he was already in awe of her. She had a certain charm to her that had made him like her instantly. When asked if she would be able to do the job well, she hadn't gotten into any rehearsed speech about how she would put her heart and soul into it like most people did. Instead, she had asked for a chance to show him her work, as she had heard he loved giving chances, she had added with a smile. Whenever she spoke about anything, she did it with utmost passion, revealing her genuinity. Rohit himself was a very warm person, and appreciated kindness in others. Annika's kindness poured out in every word she spoke and every hand gesture she made, and there were many such hand gestures, he had noticed, and found it adorable to

Not to mention, he also found Annika extremely pretty. With wild, curly hair reaching her waist, doe-shaped hazel orbs filled with a childlike twinkle, high cheekbones and full lips, she had enchanted him with her beauty. He was surprised by his own feelings; it was very unlike him to be attracted to someone because of their outward beauty. But Annika was such a person whose inner beauty shone from within.

"So, Ms. Annika, you should start working ASAP. The function is just 2 weeks away and my mom is really going to make it huge deal," He said with a laugh, after he had finished asking her all necessary questions.

Annika smiled brightly at that.

"So I have the job?"

Rohit smiled at her innocence.

"Of course, you're perfect for the work. My mother chose right," He himself noticed the hint of double-meaning in the sentence, but thankfully she did not.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Malhotra!" She said, getting up from the chair, and offering him her hand. Rohit took it and felt a spark go through him touching her soft palm. He wondered if she felt it too, but seeing her nonchalant reaction, disappointedly guessed that she did not.

"Please, call me Rohit, Ms.Annika," He said with a warm smile.

"Only if you call me Annika," She replied, making him chuckle. She was about to leave, saying she would come back tomorrow to meet his mother to discuss her preference over the themes, when a question that had been lingering in his mind spilled out.

"Are you single?"

Annika turned around with a confused expression.


Rohit gulped.

"Uh, I mean, are you single-handedly going to handle everything? Or do you have someone working under you," He hastily proceeded, patting himself mentally for the smooth save.

"Oh, no. I'll be doing it all by myself."

Rohit nodded.

"Well, feel free to take help from anyone in the office. Bye, Annika."

"Bye Rohit," Annika waved at him with a wide smile, before leaving the room. Rohit stared after her while running a hand through his hair, and wondered what this girl had done to him in the matter of a few minutes, before getting back to work.


Annika left the building in high spirits, feeling rejuvenated. She had just gotten a job, and it seemed like her event planning business would kick off after all. She had really liked her boss- Rohit - too; he seemed like a great person who treated everyone well, and like him, Annika too appreciated generosity in others. Which is why it surprised her to find herself being attracted to the baggad billa...

As Annika's thoughts drifted off to him, as it often did these days, her face broke into a smile. She thought of texting him and informing him that she had gotten the job, and took out her phone, only to find 5 texts and one missed call from him already. The first text had been sent right after she had replied in the morning, but she hadn't gotten any notification since her phone was muted.

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