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I'm SO early this time! Two updates in one day woahh. This is what happens when I have to stay awake till 2 am to watch a football match, and decide to utilize the time :P 


By the time Shivaay reached Prinku's room, he was panting, and made a mental note to himself to start working out again because his stamina was decreasing drastically. Leaning with one hand on the door, he first caught his breath, before straightening up. He knew Annika was sleeping in there- he could practically even feel her close by. Smiling, he realized why he had always had this Annika-sensometer in him- because she had always been his heart. Moving his hand to the door knob, he wondered if it was a good idea to sneak into a girl's room, so late at night, but then decided that his little sister would be okay with it if she knew the reason. Turning the knob, he opened the door. Frowning as he realized it had been left unlocked, he made a note to tell them the next day to always lock the door. With so many men in the house currently, it wasn't safe to sleep with the door open.

Entering the room, Shivaay could make out two figures on Prinku's queen-size bed, and thanked God that the girls hadn't decided to have a sleepover all together. He shut the door close behind him, and as silently as he could, inched closer to the bed. Prinku's room faced the garden, and under the moonlight seeping in through the open window, he could clearly make out that the figure sleeping on the side closer to him, was Annika. Walking closer, he crouched down on his knees. She looked so serene as she slept, her thick lashes fanning her rosy cheeks, and now that Shivaay knew he loved her ardently, he had no inhibitions about checking her out at her vulnerable moment. But because he had to wake her up and apologize, Shivaay had to cut short his staring session, and he moved his hand to her shoulder. Praying that she does not start shrieking at being woken up, he shook her shoulder lightly.

"Annika, wake up," He whispered, grateful that Prinku was a deep sleeper. But then again, so was Annika. He tried again when she didn't so much as move.

"Annika, babe, wake up," He said, a little louder this time, shaking her a bit harder. His lucky stars were probably on duty that night, because Annika started fluttering her eyes open, and noticing a figure looming in front of her, was about to scream. Shivaay however was ready for this action, and quickly put his palm over her mouth.

"Sshh, it's me!" He whispered loudly, and Annika's eyes that were widened now closed in relief, before opening again as realization hit her. Moving Shivaay's hand from her mouth, she sat up on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, before Shivaay gestured for her to lower her voice, and she threw a worried glance at Prinku's sleeping form.

"What are you doing here?" She asked again, voice low but still annoyed.

"I'm here to take you to my room," He replied with a smirk, and Annika raised her eyebrows at his casual tone. Not in the mood to fight with him because she was extremely upset over his previous behaviour, she replied with a simple "No" and lay back down again, turning to face the other side. Shivaay sighed, before scooting her over slightly and lying down beside her. Annika froze, but didn't say anything. Pulling the duvet over both of them, Shivaay got comfortable and turned towards Annika, pulling her into a back hug.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into her ear, inhaling the scent of her hair in the process. "I acted like a complete jerk, and I shouldn't have."

Annika didn't reply, and instead tried removing his hand from around her waist. His grip only got tighter.

"Please, baby. I'm sorry na?" He said, making a puppy dog face and peppering kisses on her hair line. It made her suppress a shiver. Turning around, she found her self pressed up against Shivaay, and it made her breath hitch. Lowering her head, she absentmindedly started playing with the buttons of his kurta.

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