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Is it just me or has the response for this story been deteriorating? Because some previous chapters got like around 100 comments but now it's barely 50. If there's anything in the story you're not liking, do let me know, since I'm giving you 3000+ words chapters with almost each update and it's taking a lot of time and effort (This particular one is almost 3500 words!) Having said that, much love to everyone who votes and comments

I'll try and give the next update within Saturday (which is my birthday yayay) 😄


Annika took a good look at the dress kept on her bed and sighed. It looked expensive, but she had to admit, it was gorgeous too. Mrs. Malhotra had sent it for her in the morning, along with some really nice shoes and make-up, and although Annika had called and insisted that she didn't need these, the woman hadn't budged.

"This is the least we can do for you, beta." She had told her kindly, and Annika had had to accept. Running her hand along the length of the dress, she decided to not overthink anything and wear the pretty, brown and golden gown. The event would start at 7, and she would have to reach the venue by 6 to make sure everything was in top order. Meaning, she had only an hour to get ready and going. Rajashri aunty had also proposed sending over a beautician to help her get decked up but Annika had blatantly refused. That would be a little too much, and as it was, she preferred her own make-up skills than anyone else's. She was just about to go to the washroom and wash her face, when her phone rang. Thinking it was Shivaay, whose calls had increased in frequency in the last couple of days since he wanted to make up for not meeting, Annika hurried towards the table where her phone was kept, only to find that it was Prinku. Smiling nonetheless, Annika picked up.

"Hey Prinku, what's up?"

"Annika!" Prinku said, voice filled with excitement, "What are you wearing tonight? I just don't know what to wear!"

Annika chuckled silently at her best friend's enthusiasm.

"Actually, Mrs. Malhotra has sent this dress for me to wear tonight, so I'm wearing that only. And you can wear anything, you'll still look great," Annika said, not untruthfully.

"But I don't know what to weaaar," Prinku whined. "Can you please help me choose a dress on video call? Pleeeease?"

Annika knew Prinku was using that infamous Oberoi puppy-dog face here, and shook her head in amusement. She was getting quite late, but one could never say that Annika's friends didn't find her when they needed help. And so, 15 minutes later, Annika finally hung up after having helped Prinku choose an elegant red dress.

"Oh God, what's with these Oberois and their knack for getting their way with everyone," She muttered, finally moving to the washroom and freshening up. She decided to do her make-up first, and opened the kit Mrs. Malhotra had sent. It was an expensive make-up box from Sephora, and consisted of an eyeshadow palette to go with the dress, a few liquid lipsticks, and other essentials. Applying everything with hands made expert after years of doing these with cheap make-up for time pass, Annika went on to style her hair. She was in a dilemma about curling them or leaving them in waves, when her phone rang again. This time, it was Shivaay indeed.

"Shivaay, you called at the right time," Annika started, before he could get a word in. "Now tell me, should I curl my hair or leave them in waves?"

She could imagine the wheels of Shivaay's head turning in thought, and urged him to hurry up.

"Let me think, babe," He said calmly. "Uh, waves, I think. Yeah."

"Okay, thank you, bye."

With that, Annika hung up, and proceeded to style her hair in waves. She knew that Shivaay would be pissed he hadn't gotten to talk to her or say whatever he had called to say, but she couldn't care less at this point. This was the first big event she was organizing, and everything had to be perfect, including herself. Annika let out a groan of frustration when her phone rang again, thinking it was the baggad billa calling to annoy her again, but her face lit up at the caller ID. It was Rudra.

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