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I have a surprise coming up for you guys in a while, and I hope you'll like it ;)


Annika walked- or to put it better- skipped towards Shivaay's room. She was in an extremely good mood not just because she would be staying the night and getting some much needed time with Shivaay, but also because she knew how irked he was due to Daksh's constant flirting. Seeing him being possessive over her gave her some sort of feminine pleasure, and it was delightful to think that the man who had all materialistic things of the world could get jealous, too. Not to mention, it was obviously one of the best feelings to find her boyfriend cum 'crush' wanting all of her attention for himself.

Walking into his room, Annika found Shivaay talking on the phone, his back turned to her. She waited till he was done, then went and tapped on his shoulder.

"Hello," She said as he turned to face her. His face was sporting a slight scowl, with his forehead creased the way it was when he was annoyed.

"What?" He asked rudely, but of course Annika didn't mind.

"I have a news for you," She said while shrugging one shoulder slightly. He raised an eyebrow.

"Well, why don't you go and tell this 'news' to your new found friend, Daksh?" He said while rolling his eyes. Annika sighed dramatically.

"Fine," She said, dragging the word, "I'll just go and tell Daksh that I'm sleeping over in the mansion. Maybe he and I could also hang out or watch a movie or-"

"Wait, you're staying the night?" Shivaay asked, his eye lit up, as he forgot all his annoyance for a while. Annika nodded, biting her lip to hide a smile. In a second, he had wrapped his arms around her waist and twirled her around, making her squeal.

"Gosh, I'm so happy," Shivaay breathed into her hair as he put her down, "I feel like we barely get time to be alone these days."

"Oh hello mister, don't get so excited," Annika said as she put her hands on his shoulder and leaned back to look up at him, "It's not like we'll be able to spend the night together or something," her cheeks turned slightly pink at that, and Shivaay smirked inwardly.

"And why not?" He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Because," Annika started, "You have your entire family here? What will everyone think if they see us together at night, Shivaay!"

"They will think," Shivaay said while nuzzling her soft cheeks, "that bechaare Shivaay and Annika are getting to romance after so long, let us not disturb them."

Annika rolled her eyes at that, and keeping her hands on his chest, pushed him away.

"Keep dreaming, Shiv. Anyway, I should get going now; need to make arrangements for the Puja." Saying so, Annika left, breaking into a run as Shivaay tried to pull her back by the wrist. Watching her, he smiled to himself and ruffled his own hair, elated that they would get to spend time together and that hopefully, he would be able to sleep cuddling her again.

And maybe get another kiss out of the deal? He thought with a blush.

Because God knew, Shivaay Singh Oberoi would give up anything to taste the enigma that was Annika, again.

During the Puja that was being held to pray for Abhay and Tanya's happy married life, Shivaay had changed into a simple white kurta and as he stood next to Annika while the pandit chanted some mantras, they looked every essence the picture perfect couple that they were. Shivaay was even sneakily trying to hold her hand, while Annika kept prying it away and giving him stern glares. All of this was noticed by Dadi, and it wasn't just Abhay and Tanya who she was praying for.

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