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Guys I'm SO sorry for being this late! I honestly didn't want to keep anyone waiting for so long, but what happens when you don't study the entire year and try to finish the whole syllabus a day before mocks is that you don't get a single second to spare. And I still would have updated in one of the many breaks I take between studying but my wifi wasn't working for two days. But mocks have ended now so I'll try and be a bit more regular. 

Credits for the beautiful banner above and the moodboards below go to Amyra ❤ (ImLilMissComplicated)

Also, thanks a lot to everyone who voted and made this story the Best Cute FF! Means a lot to me 😘


"Yes Dadi, I'm bringing all the  gifts myself. Gauri and I will be there in an hour."

Pressing the phone to her ear with her shoulder, Annika made her way towards the car, her hands occupied in holding half a dozen boxes, while Gauri carried the other half. Making rounds since the morning, the two of them had been frantically getting everything done for today's Roka ceremony, to be held at the Oberoi Mansion in the evening. From collecting all the gifts from different outlets, to personally going and tasting all the food and sweets that would be served, they were doing everything on their own, not trusting any of the hundreds of staff the Oberois had and had offered. All they had taken was a car and driver who would drop them wherever they wanted and take them to the mansion when everything was done. Annika was ever so thankful, this once, that they had the car and didn't have to go everywhere carrying all the things they were picking up on their way.

"Bhaiya,  please take us to Damodar Mithaiwalaa's shop now," Annika told the driver as she and Gauri got in after dumping all the boxes in the boot of the car. Turning to Gauri, she said, "Dadi loves the sweets made by them, and the owner happens to be a good friend of hers too."

Gauri nodded, grabbing a tissue and wiping her forehead. Annika smiled at the hardworking girl, and offered her a bottle of Limca from her bag, which she gratefully took and gulped down in one go.

"Baapre, didi, we have so much work in the Roka itself, God knows what we'll do during the wedding!"

Annika laughed at that.

"Don't worry, Gauri. We'll be fine. Besides, we have to make sure everything goes perfect, don't we? A little hard work now, will mean lots of appreciation later!"

Gauri smiled enthusiastically at that, and they receded into silence, enjoying a few moments in the cool, air-conditioned car, before having to hurry on with work again. As they reached the sweet shop, Annika's phone rang. It was Jhanvi aunty.

"Annika, where are you?" She asked, without preamble but Annika didn't mind because she knew how busy everyone at the Oberoi Mansion were, too.

"Just reached the mithaiwaala, aunty. Why, is everything okay?" She asked.

"No Annika, everything is not okay. You know how were ordered white orchids? Well, the decorators just arrived with all pink ones, and they don't look good against the golden background, at all! Darling, so something quick, because they're refusing to listen to us and bring new ones."

Pressing her fingers against her slightly throbbing forehead, Annika cursed the flower delivery men for messing up at such a crucial time. The Oberois tended to be very precise with their color-coordination, and Annika knew how much this mishap would matter to them.

"You don't worry, aunty," Annika said, taking a deep breath, "I'll call them up right now and tell them to bring the white ones. It won't take much time."

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