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Sorry I'm late, guys! Was kinda busy and anyway I'm suffering from Writers' Block :| It seems like I only want to write when I have to study and not when I have the free time to do so :P

Also, BlackManiacx and silver_dustXX kinda finally got me to write this, so you all know who to thank ;)


By the time Shivaay had finished with his conference call and gone downstairs, the choreographer had arrived and everyone had started practicing for the sangeet. Everyone other than Annika, that is. Spotting him, she quickly ran up to him and dragged him towards the others by the hand.

"I've been waiting for you kabse!See, everyone else has started practising, but I couldn't because my partner wasn't here," She sulked, and Shivaay smirked.

"Oh, we're dancing together, are we? I didn't know," He joked. Of course he knew. How would he miss the chance of doing a 'couple dance' with her? Annika narrowed her eyes.

"Well, if you don't want to, koi zabardasti nahi hai..." Annika trailed off, making Shivaay roll his eyes. If they had been alone, this would have been the point where he would pull her by the waist and unleash his cheapda self who would tell her just how desperately he wanted to dance with her. But as it was, the Oberoi Mansion was now even more swarmed with people because relatives from afar, people who they probably hadn't even met in years, had come over to stay till the wedding. Fufas and Chachis and cousins and what not. Shivaay hated crowded places and now his own house was giving him michmichis. Shuddering as he saw one particular elderly woman spill the juice she was having on the dining table, he inched closer to Annika.

"God, what's with all these poeple?" He asked with a frown, and it was Annika's turn to roll her eyes.

"Shaadi ka ghar hai, poeple toh honge hi!"

"You know, when I get married , I won't let any relative stay in the house. I mean come on, a couple should be relaxed during the wedding!"

Annika scowled at his words.

"What do you mean 'when' you get married? I remember vaguely how you once gave me this bhashan  of how it's not necessary to get married and all that. What changed?" She asked, her perfect mouth twisted in disdain. Shivaay smirked inwardly. The very adorable and very jealous side of his girl was emerging. 

"Well, you know," He started with a shrug of his shoulders, "shaadi ka ghar hai, there'll be so many girls coming over for the functions, what if I end up liking one of them- ouch!" Shivaay cried as a very infuriated Annika 'mistakenly' stepped on his foot while trying to walk away.

"Why don't you find one such girl right away and dance with her? Because I sure am not dancing with you anymore! In fact, I'll just go ask Daksh to be my partner..."Saying that with an indignant voice and with a flip of her hair, Annika walked away, leaving behind a Shivaay who was left wondering why he would ever attempt jealousy with someone who could leave him shaking with just the mention of another man.


"That's not the step. You need to raise your left hand, not the right one."

"Excuse me, but you're one to talk, Mr. I-got-two-left-feet!"

Om scowled as the feisty little Gauri who appeared sweet to everyone other than him hit his weak spot. He couldn't dance for the life of him, while she was very good at it. Which is all the more reason he was annoyed that they had been paired up together. After all, he wouldn't want Miss Gauri Kumari 'Sarma' to know she was better at something than he was.

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