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Hey guys! I know I'm super late but I'm so busy these days that I literally don't have time to even read the stories I follow, let alone write. Had some time right now so sat down to write this super short chapter. Hope y'all are still enjoying the story <3


Shivaay ran his tongue against her lips, coaxing her to open up and let him relish in the warmth of her mouth. She was adamant, the little minx, and teased him to the end of his patience. Caressing the back of his head with her soft fingertips, Annika made a man as strong as Shivaay Singh Oberoi feel weak in his knees, and he had to slowly move backwards and settle down on the plush couch, with her on his lap, to not lose balance. His hands wandered down her sides, feeling the silkiness of the dress over what he knew was her even silkier skin. Her wild curls brushed against his ears, neck, and tormented him to no ends. It was impossible to get enough of her, Shivaay realised. He needed to press against her mouth harder, strengthen his grip on her sinfully curved body, and love her deeper than was even possible.He needed enough of her, but it would still never be enough. 

When Annika ran out of breath and he pulled away from the pouty goodness of her lips, Shivaay moved his attention to the swan-like neck, the translucent shoulder left almost bare by the spaghetti straps of her dress. He indulged himself greedily into whatever part of her he could reach, peppering kisses and even biting down softly yet fiercely enough to leave a mark. Annika, for her part, let him do what he pleased. The sensations that passed through her, the warmth and the wetness she felt- it felt all so new yet all so good, she was left a moaning mess who could only but clutch onto his hair and shoulders for support as he worshipped her with his mouth. When Shivaay, too overwhelmed by all she presented to him, buried his face in the crook of her neck to just inhale, Annika rubbed his back soothingly. At that moment, Shivaay felt love for her in every fibre of his being, in every nerve cell in his body.

"You make me feel so good," Annika mumbled as she rested her head against his shoulder, and Shivaay couldn't help but laugh lightly. If only this woman knew what she made him feel. The intensity of it all would scare her, probably. Making her look up at him again, he noticed the dazed look in her eyes, and Shivaay had to close his own eyes for a second to suppress the need rising within him. The carnal, hot, deep need.

"We should sleep," He said, making her stand up and then following. Annika frowned, panicking for a second as she wondered if she had done anything wrong, if Shivaay perhaps hadn't...enjoyed, as much as she had. But one look at her fear-striken face, and Shivaay took her in his arms again, placing a loving kiss on her temple.

"I love you," He whispered, burying his nose in her hair, the scent of which was intoxicating enough to undo him. "So much."

"I know," Annika smiled against his cheek, the rough stubble creating tickling sensations and making her giggle. "I love you too."

Holding each other for a while, doing nothing else but just breathing each others' presence, they let go. Annika went off to freshen up and change, while Shivaay opened his suit jacket and retrieved a can of beer from the freezer. Alcohol wasn't really the best idea but he desperately needed the liquid to burn down his throat, to help calm some of his senses. But he should have known- as soon as Annika re-entered the room, dressed deliciously in a thin baby-blue tank top and matching shorts, his senses were in a frenzy again.

15 minutes later, when Shivaay had changed into his own night suit and settled down beside Annika on the bed, they snuggled together without any inhibitions, whatsoever. Shivaay kissed her goodnight to his heart's fill, like he had been dying to do since they had first slept cuddling together, so many nights ago at her house. That seemed like a lifetime ago, now, and Shivaay was thankful of all the forces of the universe that had conspired to make his Annika fall in love with him. When Annika was far too tired and sleepy to indulge in any more kissing sessions, Shivaay had to turn off all the lights and let her sleep, regardless of how tempting her swollen lips looked. With a final brush of his mouth against hers, Shivaay let her rest comfortably on his chest, while he reminisced about the day that had passed by, and then finally fell asleep with a smile playing on his  lips.


For the first time in this Bali trip of theirs, Shivaay woke up before Annika. This gave him the liberty and utmost pleasure of being able to to stare at her angelic face, lit up by the orange glow seeping in through the curtains. Even as he watched, her intricate expressions kept changing, as she sometimes scrunched up her nose while at other times she almost smiled. Shivaay couldn't help but grin, wondering how someone was capable of dreaming with so much determination. When the clock struck 8, he decided to wake her up. He had a tour planned today, for the family, and they would have to leave early if they planned to enjoy the day fully. He nudged Annika, calling out to her softly and lovingly, but she was stubborn and only wrapped her delicate arms around him even tighter. After a few more attempts, Shivaay finally managed to make her open her eyes. She frowned and reprimanded him on waking her up-- the start of their dating life, in a manner only too appropriate for them.

"Well, if you want, you can keep on sleeping and we'll go sight-seeing by ourselves," Shivaay told her, getting up from the bed and looking at her, annoyed. Mumbling how he had been trying to wake her up lovingly while she was being so irritable, Shivaay grabbed his clothes and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

Annika, seated on the bed and yawning, suddenly froze mid-stretch. She clearly wasn't a morning person and her brain didn't really work right after just waking up, but a little more thinking and recalling told her that she wasn't quite capable of creating such a beautiful dream. As the memories of last night flooded back, starting from Shivaay's confession to all the kisses they had shared in the room, Annika's face lit up in a bright smile, as she realized-- all that had actually happened. Staring at the bathroom door through which Shivaay had just disappeared, Annika giggled thinking how he was her ACTUAL boyfriend now and how she had reacted to his affectionate way of waking her up. Sighing, she lay back down on the bed. 

Life had never been more beautiful for Annika, and for the first time ever, she had faith that this happiness she was feeling, was here to stay.


I don't even know what to say about this. Just give me some time- once I've reached college and settled down and all, I'll get back to the story properly. Till then, I hope this chapter wasn't bad enough to make you lose interest..

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