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To say that Annika was shocked would be an understatement but more than that she was infuriated that the baggad billa had outsmarted her once again. And even more than that she was outraged that he would just introduce himself as her boyfriend to anyone he pleased to get one ahead of her. The whole Dating Facade was supposed to be for the media only and not people she personally knew. Fuming, she glared at him as he still looked down at her with that damned smirk that only pissed her off even more. She wanted to wipe that smirk clean off his face, and was just about to do so by calling him out on this blatant lie when Mayank, who had been looking quite disheartened since Shivaay's introduction, spoke up.

"Oh, I didn't know you were taken, Annika," He said in a feeble voice, and Shivaay raised an eyebrow at him haughtily.

"And what would you have done if she hadn't been taken?" He asked, his grip tightening on her waist. His touch was making Annika's bare skin burn but she tried to ignore it.

"N-nothing. I'm just saying." Mayank shrugged, clearly uncomfortable under Shivaay's hard gaze. 

"Okay, um, guys," Om spoke in between. He and the other youngsters had been witnessing the whole exchange, not being able to keep the grin of their faces once the initial surprise had subsided. "We should get going, now. The movie will start any minute."

"But I wanted popcorn!" Saumya said with a pout, and Annika saw the perfect chance to talk to Shivaay alone.

"Shivaay and I will get it!" She said quickly, moving away from his hold finally. "Won't we, Shivaay?" She asked with a sugar-coated sweet smile, while her eyes spit fire.

"Of course, sweetheart." Shivaay replied with a wink, and the rest of them made their way towards the hall. As soon as they were gone, Annika turned to him with hands on hips and glared at him. If looks could kill, Shivaay would have reached hell by now.

"What the hell was that?" She asked, trying to keep her voice as low as possible but still sounding menacing. This avatar sure scared Shivaay but he wasn't about to back out.

"What?" He asked innocently, and Annika took a deep breath to keep some patience. 

"Why would you introduce yourself as my boyfriend?" She asked, crossing her arms now. Shivaay grinned roguishly at that.

"Because I am your boyfriend, remember?" He started moving towards the snacks line.

Annika rolled her eyes here and followed him.

"That is just pretense, you idiotic moron. For the media, I'll remind you," She said with a scowl as they stood in the line, while Shivaay frowned at having to maintain a queue.

"Actually, the pretense is for anyone in the outside world, and that Mayank surely falls in that category. We can't trust him not to babble something to others and give away our whole plan." Annika was about to retaliate at this point, but was shushed when Shivaay turned around to face her, and pulled her closer by the hips.

"So get ready, my love. Because the Dating Charade has begun," he said in a deep voice, followed with a wink, and Annika could only gulp and stare. Shivaay left her with a smirk and moved ahead to get their popcorns and drinks, while Annika blushed hard. If this stupid man kept on coming so close to her like this, she would have a heart attack or something soon.

When Shivaay got their snacks, he held the tray in one hand and took hers in the other. Annika rolled her eyes again.

"And who are we putting up the pretense now, for?" She asked, but didn't leave his hold.

"Oh well, you know, if there is any media personnel around by any chance," Shivaay replied nonchalantly, and Annika had to try hard to suppress a giggle at his lame excuse. 

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