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Annika made her way away from the Oberoi family, rubbing away her tears that just wouldn't stop, uncaring about her make-up. She slowed down her strides as she came into the main garden again, trying not to attract any attention. No matter what had happened, she was still the event planner and making sure that everything was flawless in this party was her personal duty. She needed to leave the party, since the lump on her throat was getting more and more suffocating and she desperately needed to be alone right now, to make sense of whatever had happened. But before that, she had to meet Mrs. Malhotra and ask if it was okay for her to leave now. The main reason she had wanted to keep the dating charade in secrecy was so that it didn't jeopardize her work, and now that it was out in the open, Annika had to try her best and get recognition for her talent, solely. Spotting Mrs. Malhotra with a few other ladies, she made her way there, pressing the back of her palms on her cheeks to remove any stray tears.

"Aunty," She started, putting up a fake smile as the woman in question turned to look at her, "Is it okay if I leave now? I'm not feeling so well..." She said, not untruthfully. Mrs. Malhotra looked at her with concern, and felt Annika's forehead.

"What's wrong, beta? All okay?" She asked. Annika nodded.

"Yeah, just a mild headache. I can stay if you want me to, but I don't think I have any more work, anyway. Everything is taken care off..." She trailed off, desperately hoping she agree. To her relief, Mrs. Malhotra nodded with a kind smile.

"Of course, Annika. I can't thank you enough for making this party such a success. Everyone absolutely loves it. In fact, Mrs. Mehra here was just telling me what a fabulous job you've done..." She said, turning towards a lady she had been talking to. The woman looked at Annika for a while, as if trying to remember something, before her eyes lit up.

"I had been wondering where I'd seen you before, and now I remember- you're Shivaay Singh Oberoi's girlfriend, aren't you?" She asked, cheerily. Annika closed her eyes in frustration, but now that everyone knew anyway, there was no point hiding it. She nodded with a feeble smile, and noticed that Mrs. Malhotra looked ashen faced, for some reason.

"Yeah, I remember you from the business event. Such a lovely couple, I tell you!" The other woman carried on. Annika turned to Mrs. Malhotra again, not wanting to hear anything about her and Shivaay right now.

"I'll take you leave now, aunty," She said, and gave a quick hug to Mrs. Malhotra, who barely reciprocated. She was utterly surprised by the news she had just heard, that Annika, who she knew was her son's crush, was already dating some one. She was sure Rohit didn't know about it, and the fact that she would have to unravel it to him, broke her heart.

Annika started making her way towards the gate, when she was stopped by a concerned Mallika who had noticed her previously cheerful demeanour become all gloomy.

"Annika, are you okay?" She asked, hand pressing on Annika's arm. Annika nodded, wanting to escape the scene as soon as possible and just go home to her bed.

"Yeah, just a mild headache. Don't worry. I'll just be leaving now..."

"You want us to drop you home?" Mallika asked, looking around to see if she could find Shivaay and inform him of Annika's health, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"No, thankyou, Mallika. You guys enjoy the party, okay? I'll take the office car that I came by."

With that, Annika hurried away, not giving a second glance to anyone.

The car ride back home gave Annika the much-needed silence to replay whatever had happened in the past few minutes. She had no idea what had gotten into Shivaay all of a sudden. She knew he was angry that she hadn't accepted his gift, but such sort of a reckless act had to have more to it. She also knew he had been under the effect of alcohol but knowing that he had a high tolerance, Annika could guess that the wine wasn't to be blamed. Whatever it was, he had hurt her, big time. He had broken his promise, Goddamit! As she thought of that, fresh tears started making their way down her make-up smeared face, and she all but finished the tissue papers in the car. She wasn't prepared for what would ensue now- all the media attention, her name printed on newspapers and displayed on news channels, her neighbours wanting to know how she had managed to woo the richest businessman in the country, yada yada. Her life would be a complete mess now, not to mention it would hamper her work too. Wanting to scream in frustration, Annika relented to leaning back against the car seat, and free herself of all thoughts for a while.

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